Over the years the Lord has taught us (our Bible classes, by the way, these students have taught me more through His word than this teacher will ever have taught them, I am in dept to these students - I love you too for pointing me to Jesus daily) about dealing with problems beyond our means. We are invited by the Lord to cry out to Him about our situations but somehow when we face our problems beyond your means, somehow we turn them around to the point we start to tell God what to do with the problem. This will never happen – that God would take instructions from man on how to solve any problem. But as often, “where Mr. Redding do we learn this in the Bible?”
Joshua 10 tells this incredible story about something that only once happened in all of history. Never before and never after this one event did this thing ever happen that happened on the day in Joshua 10. Many who have read Joshua 10 already know the story and some who know the story are already jumping to the conclusion. But look at Joshua 10:14 and carefully meditate on what God had only done that day and never again would do.
Travel in history 1500+ years later to a little town in Cana where there is a wedding and the wine bottles are empty and there is still more wedding to go. We have a problem. In John 2, watch what Mary (the earthly mother who knows her son better than probably any other person on earth) says to her son who would do anything she would bid him to do. But Mary, knowing her son so well, says something that has no solution but only acknowledges the problem – “We have no wine.” She then goes quickly to the servants and tells them – “what ever He tells you to do, do it.” And from that moment on, what takes place… well to put it as simply, no one would ever imagined in their wildest imagination what was about to take place – and it happened – the impossible became possible with Jesus.
So, we have learned from these two passages (as well as many others, see also John 11, etc.) that bringing life’s problems to the Lord Jesus without trying to tell Him what to do, and then waiting on Him to do that which only He would do, well we again do not cease to be amazed.
So I get a text from one of my student (Caden) the other day “… so as I pray, I am telling God, ‘Mr. Redding has cancer, and YOU know what to do with that.’”
It is such a joy to know that these students are already running to our Lord and looking to Him to do that which no man would ever conceive.
Know that when you share your requests, we are running to our might God and Savior saying , …”We have a problem and You know what to do with it.”
What a great God we serve!
Amen and amen, Jerome. Thank you for the reminder. Robin L.