Over the years I tried to set Thursdays aside for giving the LORD thanks for everything. Instead of making petitions and requests, I would look at any request or worldly problem as an opportunity to give our Lord Jesus thanks. My students would get into it over the years too. In past years when we would come to Thursday, I would say, “What day is it?” And they would automatically say – “Thanksgiving Thursday!” And Thursdays were some of the most special days. (I say “were” because I had not practiced that as much this year. “So classes, get ready- Lord willing, we will be bringing back Thanksgiving Thursdays.” “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Last year’s guys get that last quote.).
Matthew 6:9-13, Luke2-4, 1 Chron. 9:11 – have to check out that last verse in context with Matt. 6:13c, it is all His word.
Here is how I practice the Lord’s model prayer on Thanksgiving Thursday:
“Thank you LORD that Your Name is Hallowed, a Name that is above every name, a Name that every knee will bow to someday and that You have given us a heart to bow to You today in thanksgiving.
“Thank You for Your Kingdom to come and thank You, that we in a small way express Your Kingdom as we respect those in authority here on earth. Thank You for those in authority, for they, without maybe knowing it bear an image of Your Kingdom to come. And thank You too, that one day YOU will return with all heaven following You to destroy all evil and usher in Your great Kingdom that we are in some way bearing in our hearts now here on earth.
“Thank You for Your will being done here on earth as it is done in Heaven. Thank You for whatever takes place today, ultimately falls into Your perfect will. Thank You for giving us a heart to rejoice in knowing that You are working all things out according to Your perfect will and for our good. To You be glory and thanks.
“Thank You for giving us our daily bread. Thank You that You are our daily Bread and if we have You, we have all we truly need. Thank You for reminding us of our need of You when our physical stomachs cry out for earthly food, and then we are reminded that our souls, our whole being, should cry out at least that loud for YOU. Thank You for Your word in which You said that ‘man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD.’
“Thank You so much for forgiving our sin as we have forgiven others of their ever so small debts in comparison to our debt to You. Thank You that we hold not one thing against another and in the same way, You hold nothing against us. Thank You for shedding Your precious blood for us in order that we even can say to someone – ‘ there is nothing in my heart that would hold anything against you, because Jesus’ blood has taken care of all of our sins.’ Thank You for letting us hear – ‘As I have forgiven you, so forgive one another.’ Thank You for the gift of forgiveness and for displaying that gift so magnificently on the cross and throughout history.
Thank You for leading us not into temptation. Thank You, for You have said that ‘you shall not tempt the LORD your God’ for YOU will never tempt us but we sin when we are drawn away by our own lusts that war in our soul. Thank You for leading us in the paths of righteousness, that is how You truly lead. Thank You that You are the Great Shepherd that would never lead His sheep in to temptation but beside still waters – O, thank You for the peace that You lead us into in any given circumstance that we face. Thank You, O eternal King, thank YOU for leading us on and allowing us to follow in a heart of gratitude and praise.
“Thank You for delivering us from evil! Thank You for saying, ‘Be holy as I AM holy.’ Thank You, although we have no earthly idea how that all works out, that what You say comes to be. Thank You for not only delivering us from evil but also delivering us from our own lustful and self-filled snares. Thank You for calling us holy, saints, ones who are righteous. Thank You that You have given us a heart to understand that ‘our personal righteousnesses are filthy rags in Your sight’ and You can even use those filthy rags to accomplish Your great will which ultimately will bring about Your kingdom in which all will hollow YOU, our LORD and Mighty Savior, God forevermore.
“Thank You, in Your great Name we give thanks.”
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