“If You can?” (Mark 9:23,NIV)
(Mark 9:1-13) 3 disciples just witnessed the future resurrection as they saw Jesus transfigured before their very eyes. They did not understand the significance of the moment as they watched Moses and Elijah (the embodiment of the Law and the Prophets) talk with Jesus. We too loose sight of the future resurrection that awaits all those who have placed their confidence in Jesus.
But as they were coming down from this “mountain top” experience they were faced with the hardness of hearts again. Jesus had earlier chosen His disciples for three reasons: to be with Him, to preach the good news, and to cast out demons. Now if Jesus tells us to do something, we should be sure that not only are we suppose to do it but He will give us the strength, power, wisdom and faith to accomplish His task. But somehow the disciples lost sight of this and it was causing others to loose faith in the Savior too.
Case in point. The disciples could not cast out a stubborn demon in a young man. The father of the young man brought the case to the disciples, but the disciples were unable to complete what the Lord set them out to do.
Now the man is standing before Jesus saying something that you and I will only find in this case. The man says to Jesus – “…if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”
“If you can do anything?” What is this odd statement in our almighty and all knowing Savior’s ears? “If you can do anything?” What does He do with this? Many have come to Him with their “impossible situations” and seen Him do way beyond what they could have imagined. Over and over again in the scripture it is not “If You can”, but more often, “If You will.” Now that is more like the question someone should ask.
“If you can” is questioning His authority and His power. “If you will”, gives Him the rightful authority and power to do whatever He so desires to do. “If you can” sounds similar to the words of our Lord’s adversary, Satan, who came and said, “If you are the Son of God…” “If you can”, sounds like the Pharisees and the mockers, “show us something, if you can or if you are the Son of God.”
Now this man was not mocking or even acting as an adversary. But the hardness of the disciples’ heart weighed in on this man’s impression of the Lord Jesus to the point, that he was still running to the Lord Jesus, (which was the only right thing to do), but with doubts about what the Savior could really do.
How are you running to the Lord today? Is it a matter of “if You can” or “If You will”. “If You can” is stretching you to the point of wanting your will to be done. “If You will” is demonstrating your submission to His will with all confidence that He will do what is best.
O Lord Jesus, today is another day in which we get to see Your mighty hand at work in this world. May we point everyone that we come in contact today to You, the One who can do all things and will do only that which is according to the Father’s will. Thank you for saving us and for causing us to run to You about anything and everything. Your will be done in all these things. We love You and look to You, the Author and Finisher of faith. Amen
PS. The man in Mark 9 saw Jesus drive the demon out of his son. Even though he came to Jesus with doubts, he came to Jesus. Run to Jesus.
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