Last night in our Bible study group, the men gathered together to share what God is doing in our lives and the first question that we talked about was this – “What is your favorite verse(s) in the Bible?” I was taken back in time to when I was about 12 years of age and I heard for the first time – Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the LORD with all thy heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will bring it to past.”
Today, I am reminded of why that verse spoke to me and it still speaks to me. When we come to the LORD, He is not asking us to come with a heart that has to figure out everything with our OWN understanding and reasoning. No man can reason through the work of God. It is beyond human understanding or reason. To say, “I can by my ‘own understanding’ explain anything God did, does or will be doing” is like me saying a dog or a sheep can explain to me 2+3=5 or could explain to me internal combustion. Man, with out God’s intervention and rescue, would hopelessly wander through life, with all the logic and reason in the world but with no clue to His miracles and more than that – His Son.
Man here on earth has calculated and by reason worked out many mathematical and scientific possibilities. But man can never by his reason, understanding or calculation come close to God’s miracles (mathematical and scientific impossibilities) or even come close to explaining our Lord Jesus, let alone, put their trust in Him. Calculation and reason can bring a doctor to surgically removing cancer (possibility), but the flesh being restored (impossibility) – that is one of God’s miracles (although man will say that this just nature or the “bodies way of healing it’s self”). A storm passing through a sea, coming and going, can be calculated and viewed by man (possibility). A storm raging on a sea can be stopped by a man’s three word’s – “Quiet, be still” (impossibility) and no earthly understanding or reasoning will ever get you there. We could go on and on throughout the Bible up through today and on into the future and not one miracle that comes from the hand of God can be explained scientifically or by reason – why? - These things with men are impossible, but with God, all things are possible (or nothing is impossible) (Luke 1:37, 18:27, Mark 10:27, Matt. 19:26)
So as we come to the word of God today, are we coming to Him leaning on our own understanding? Are we coming to His word with some type of human formula to make sense of what we are reading? Are we trying to do what we would do in lab and apply that to His miraculous work? Are we trying to explain the unexplainable so that we can feel better about what we have just read? Or will we trust the LORD, who gave us His Holy Spirit who teaches us all things when it comes to things of the LORD and who brings us to seeing thing and understanding things through His word. Without Christ, our fallen reasoning and understanding sound like a bark of a dog or a baa of a sheep. Trust in Him today and His Holy Spirit will give you through His word His understanding, His wisdom and His reasoning. (John 14:16-17, 26; 16:7-14, Eph. 5:18, Acts 1:8, 2 Cor. 1:22, Eph. 1:13, 4:30)
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