Today is a great day in the Redding's history. This day did not originate with the Redding family but we adopted this date into our history about 28 years ago. A half a century ago about 5 months after my birthday, there was couple who rejoiced in the beginnings of their family with the birth of their first daughter. The rejoicing over this birth continues to proceed to this day by that family and now the Redding family. Lynda Shade was born 50 years ago (she does not resemble her age so consider her still 20 or 30 something) and the Redding family has joined in the celebration of her birth over 28 years ago if you were to factor in our years of dating.
I rejoice in the Lord that He deemed it best that she married this man and that she shares now more of her life as one with me than apart from me. I invite any who read this blog to wish Lynda Redding a happy birthday. Facebook or email her or comment (however that works) on this post.
To God be the glory, great things He has done, and it is a great thing that He has allowed Lynda and all those who love her to celebrate another year from His hand.
To my love - Numbers 6:24-26 - my prayer for you. As He has blessed you so greatly, we have enjoyed the fruit of His blessing upon you. We love you and unanimously say "Happy Birthday".
A VERY Happy Birthday to you! What a blessing you are to so many! :)