(Taken from the inside cover of Andrew Peterson’s music CD –
Resurrection Letters, Volume II)
After that brutal Friday, and that long, quiet Saturday, he came back.
And that one intake of breath in the tomb changes everything. It changes the very reason I drew breath today and the way I move about in this world because I believe he’s coming back again. The world has gone on for more than tow millennia since Jesus’ feet tread the earth he made. What would they have said then if someone had told them that some two thousand years later we’d still be waiting? They would’ve thought back to that long Saturday and said, “Two thousand years will seem like a breath to you when you finally lay your crown at his feet. We don’t even remember what we were doing on that Saturday, but le me tell you about Sunday morning. Now that was something.”
These many years of waiting will only be a sentence in the story. This long day will come to an end, and I believe it will end in glory, when we will shine like suns and stride the green hills with those we love and the One who loves. We will look with our new eyes and speak with our new tongues and turn to each other and say, “Do you remember the waiting? The long years, the bitter pain, the gnashing doubt, the relentless ache?” And like Mary at the tomb, we will say: “ I remember only the light, and the voice calling my name, and the overwhelming joy that the waiting was finally over.”
The Stone will be rolled away for each of us.
May we wait with faithful hearts
From the inside cover of Andrew Peterson’s music CD – Resurrection Letters, Volume II
**Postscript note:
Now you will have to get the CD to hear the music and lyrics that support the words above. I hope you will enjoy the sounds and the words as much as I have over the past few months since my dear friend, Doug, introduced me to Andrew Peterson’s music.
Happy New Year and would it not be just the grandest thing – Jesus returning this year!
http://www.groveshark.com - in search, type – Andrew Peterson - tap the search icon and then you can get started in hearing these wonderful songs from this dear gifted musician in Christ.**
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
“Your faith has saved you… Your faith has made you well…”
**Please excuse the English and grammar in today’s blog, it is hard to point at that which is He and I really can not physically put your eyes on HIM.**
In two days of reading during the morning I ran across these words of Christ. Once when the “sinful woman” anointed his feet with fragrant oil, washed his feet with her tears and kissed his feet (Luke 7:36-50). Second, when a woman touched the hem of his garment to be healed (Luke 8:40-48).
We know that Jesus did not say anything untrue or to inflate the ego. So what He was saying here was spot on and profitable for all who heard. And then it dawned on me. He was pointing everyone’s attention to what these two women had their attention on. How they got His attention too.
If He wanted to bring to the surface that anyone who really loved Him must anoint His feet with expensive oil and cry over His feet, then He would have stopped a verse or two earlier in each of these stories. If He wanted everyone to touch His garment to be healed then He would have stopped a verse or two earlier in this story. But when all eyes were on the “acts” of these two faith filled women – Jesus points out what each of us are to have – our attention, our faith, our affection – our all on HIM. It was not the tears, perfume, the touch or the robe that was key in these stories, but it was the faith that these women had. So no one could reproduce these actions to get the same results. No, the only thing (really ONE) that brings results is Jesus. Put the attention on Him no matter who is around and keep it on Him and watch what He does with that attention (faith) on Him. Faith, not what you can reproduce, or borrow, or steel, or mimic, or fake – it has to be real from HIM and personally yours. Your faith will save you. He promises to save any and all who call on Him.
“Thank You Jesus, for being the author and finisher of faith, our faith, faith from You and in You. And it is in faith we cry out to You.” Amen
BTW – Happy New Year – may we all cry Revelations 22:20 …”Even so Lord, come quickly!”
Luke 7:36-50 and 8:40-48It was not till I really pondered for quite a while what was going on here that it came clear.
Whenever I read words like these from our Savior, I have to pause and question in my heart – “your faith”? My faith? Their faith? I thought from scripture that Jesus was the author (beginner) and completer (finisher) but here He is saying to not only this one lady who anointed His feet with her very tears, but others – “your faith…”
In two days of reading during the morning I ran across these words of Christ. Once when the “sinful woman” anointed his feet with fragrant oil, washed his feet with her tears and kissed his feet (Luke 7:36-50). Second, when a woman touched the hem of his garment to be healed (Luke 8:40-48).
We know that Jesus did not say anything untrue or to inflate the ego. So what He was saying here was spot on and profitable for all who heard. And then it dawned on me. He was pointing everyone’s attention to what these two women had their attention on. How they got His attention too.
If He wanted to bring to the surface that anyone who really loved Him must anoint His feet with expensive oil and cry over His feet, then He would have stopped a verse or two earlier in each of these stories. If He wanted everyone to touch His garment to be healed then He would have stopped a verse or two earlier in this story. But when all eyes were on the “acts” of these two faith filled women – Jesus points out what each of us are to have – our attention, our faith, our affection – our all on HIM. It was not the tears, perfume, the touch or the robe that was key in these stories, but it was the faith that these women had. So no one could reproduce these actions to get the same results. No, the only thing (really ONE) that brings results is Jesus. Put the attention on Him no matter who is around and keep it on Him and watch what He does with that attention (faith) on Him. Faith, not what you can reproduce, or borrow, or steel, or mimic, or fake – it has to be real from HIM and personally yours. Your faith will save you. He promises to save any and all who call on Him.
“Thank You Jesus, for being the author and finisher of faith, our faith, faith from You and in You. And it is in faith we cry out to You.” Amen
BTW – Happy New Year – may we all cry Revelations 22:20 …”Even so Lord, come quickly!”
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Beyond what we would ever ask or think.
This morning I read out of Luke 5. Verses 17-26 stood out to me this morning as I was reflecting on all that the Lord had done this past year. We have seen miracle after miracle and it all comes from the hand of our Lord Jesus and it also is a result of His saints remaining faithful in coming to Him for the answers. If you look carefully at this passage you may see some of the things that struck me in this passage. (See also Mat. 9:2-8 & Mark 2:3-12 – all three passages make the same point) “When He saw their faith… He said to him…”
I continue to marvel how the Lord uses the Body to accomplish His will in another’s life. He has used so many people in our lives as they prayed faithfully to the Lord for us to accomplish His will. It is like the story being rewritten daily – As He sees your faith, He does this in our lives, or says this to us, or works in us…
Then the other unique thing I see is what He does with these men’s faith. They came in faith obviously to see their friend healed and they are quite surprised as all around them to hear what they hear – “Your sins are forgiven.” Wait a minute. Did not these men have faith in Jesus to heal this man of his inability to walk? Did they not bring Him the whole way in faith to have him walk? Did they not break open the roof to put this man in front of Jesus to walk? If they could have spoken to Jesus, would they not have said, please let this friend of ours walk? But they heard something that was not in their intentions when bringing their friend to Jesus. They hear, “Your sins are forgiven.” And later they saw him walk.
Romans 8:26-28 sums up what was going on here. We come to the Lord, in faith concerning a particular situation in someone’s life, thinking that is the best we can mention to God about this person. And His Holy Spirit takes what we say and makes sense of it as well as use what we say to work out all things for good.
We continue to rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for each and everyone who has brought our names, or situations, our trials, our pain, our hardships, brought us…. Before the throne of God you brought us and He has looked upon us to do what only He could do and had in mind of doing. What a great Savior we have cry out to and what glorious King who considers everything we say in the light of His Holy Spirit.
Side note: Visited Dr. Goldberg this morning and after the examination he said that the incision is healing up well. I praise the Lord that after 5 weeks we continue to see His mighty hand at work and give Him all glory for His healing touch.
I continue to marvel how the Lord uses the Body to accomplish His will in another’s life. He has used so many people in our lives as they prayed faithfully to the Lord for us to accomplish His will. It is like the story being rewritten daily – As He sees your faith, He does this in our lives, or says this to us, or works in us…
Then the other unique thing I see is what He does with these men’s faith. They came in faith obviously to see their friend healed and they are quite surprised as all around them to hear what they hear – “Your sins are forgiven.” Wait a minute. Did not these men have faith in Jesus to heal this man of his inability to walk? Did they not bring Him the whole way in faith to have him walk? Did they not break open the roof to put this man in front of Jesus to walk? If they could have spoken to Jesus, would they not have said, please let this friend of ours walk? But they heard something that was not in their intentions when bringing their friend to Jesus. They hear, “Your sins are forgiven.” And later they saw him walk.
Romans 8:26-28 sums up what was going on here. We come to the Lord, in faith concerning a particular situation in someone’s life, thinking that is the best we can mention to God about this person. And His Holy Spirit takes what we say and makes sense of it as well as use what we say to work out all things for good.
We continue to rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for each and everyone who has brought our names, or situations, our trials, our pain, our hardships, brought us…. Before the throne of God you brought us and He has looked upon us to do what only He could do and had in mind of doing. What a great Savior we have cry out to and what glorious King who considers everything we say in the light of His Holy Spirit.
Side note: Visited Dr. Goldberg this morning and after the examination he said that the incision is healing up well. I praise the Lord that after 5 weeks we continue to see His mighty hand at work and give Him all glory for His healing touch.
Monday, December 26, 2011
The People Were Praying.
Romans 8:26, 27 –
Luke 1:10 –
What were the people praying about when Zacharias entered the Temple to burn incense? The Bible does not tell us but we can be certain that the Holy Spirit knew and was making sense of what they were saying before the Heavenly Father. For inside the Temple, while the people were praying outside, Zacharias was getting the instructions from Gabriel, the Angel of the Lord, concerning what was to happen. The people outside, while they were praying for Zacharias and all of Israel, had no idea what their prayers meant before the throne of God at that very moment. It was the Spirit who was making sense of it all.
So it is when you and I go to our knees to pray for the ones who the Lord Jesus lays on our hearts to pray for. We have really no way to know what that person really needs, but somehow, the Lord takes what we say concerning any given person or people and brings about His will.
During this season where we are reminded about Jesus birth in Bethlehem, let this reminder cause us to cry out, “O Emmanuel, come again soon!” The Spirit of God who searches our hearts and knows the mind of God will accomplish His will in our faithful prayers. Lynda and I have experienced it over and over again, where someone had prayed specifically for us and the Lord just does the impossible and unexpected.
We love you all and thank the Lord for our dear friends and family during this special time of the year where the world is reminded – Luke 2:7 – “And she gave birth to her first-born… Matt. 1:25 …called His name Jesus.
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do
not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes
intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches
the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for
the saints according to the will of God. (NKJV)
Luke 1:10 –
And the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour
of the incense offering. (NASV)
What were the people praying about when Zacharias entered the Temple to burn incense? The Bible does not tell us but we can be certain that the Holy Spirit knew and was making sense of what they were saying before the Heavenly Father. For inside the Temple, while the people were praying outside, Zacharias was getting the instructions from Gabriel, the Angel of the Lord, concerning what was to happen. The people outside, while they were praying for Zacharias and all of Israel, had no idea what their prayers meant before the throne of God at that very moment. It was the Spirit who was making sense of it all.
So it is when you and I go to our knees to pray for the ones who the Lord Jesus lays on our hearts to pray for. We have really no way to know what that person really needs, but somehow, the Lord takes what we say concerning any given person or people and brings about His will.
During this season where we are reminded about Jesus birth in Bethlehem, let this reminder cause us to cry out, “O Emmanuel, come again soon!” The Spirit of God who searches our hearts and knows the mind of God will accomplish His will in our faithful prayers. Lynda and I have experienced it over and over again, where someone had prayed specifically for us and the Lord just does the impossible and unexpected.
We love you all and thank the Lord for our dear friends and family during this special time of the year where the world is reminded – Luke 2:7 – “And she gave birth to her first-born… Matt. 1:25 …called His name Jesus.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Not My will but Your will be done…
Was reading Mark 14 this morning and was struck again by a number of things in the last hours of Jesus’ life before He went to the cross to pay for the sin of the world and bring peace between man and His Heavenly Father, for anyone who puts their trust in Him.
Mark 14:32-42 says:
Many who have read this passage and have written about what they believe Jesus means by “cup” – well I will just say there are numerous views on what did He mean and what was His intentions. Going through cancer, again gives me a taste of being given something from our heavenly Father that I would have never asked for but going through what I have gone through, I can see His wisdom in some ways.
John the Baptist, when seeing Jesus, proclaimed,
All of this to say, in every way our Savior Jesus is so great. People die sometimes just because they give up hope. They give up the will to press on. Jesus could have done that, but He sets the example for me and for you to endure at all cost. Endure for His glory and for His name’s sake. Whatever comes my way, I want to be like our Lord Jesus and if that means going through great pain or great loss here on earth, “Not my will, but Your will be done” Amen.
Mark 14:32-42 says:
Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.”What strikes me every time I read the above passage are the words “Take this cup away from Me…” (Please have mercy on the following words all you who have studied the word of God far more than this writer and understand that whatever I say after the words of Scripture above, could be suspect to heresy. Not my intention, but the word of God is the truth, anything I have to say about the word of God falls just short of His word of course.)
He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Again He went away and prayed, and spoke the same words. And when He returned, He found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him. Then He came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough! The hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer is at hand.” (NKJV – www.blueletterbible.org)
Many who have read this passage and have written about what they believe Jesus means by “cup” – well I will just say there are numerous views on what did He mean and what was His intentions. Going through cancer, again gives me a taste of being given something from our heavenly Father that I would have never asked for but going through what I have gone through, I can see His wisdom in some ways.
John the Baptist, when seeing Jesus, proclaimed,
“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” And all through the OT we catch glimpses of what the Father and the Son had planned before the beginning of the foundations of the earth. Jesus came to die, as planned, on a rugged cross, shedding all of His blood, and being mocked and scorned by men. He did this with joy – (Heb. 12:2) and with full knowledge that this would happen – (Mark 10:32-34).So I have to ask the question, “When Jesus said, ‘take this cup from Me’, or ‘let this cup pass from Me’, why would He be asking the Father to undo everything that He for joy was ready to do and why would He ask the Father to undo everything that He told His disciples would happen?” I believe He was not asking the Father to undo His death on the cross, but to undo the possibility of Him dying that very hour in prayer. His mind and His soul was very well informed with what was going to happen in the hours to come, but I believe His human flesh was so burdened and overwhelmed that any other man would have died just at the thought of what Jesus would be going through. So He may be asking the Father to take the “cup” that He had in His hands at that moment – which would have brought about His death, but not the way they had planned before nor the way prophesized. Hence – “Not My will but Your will be done.” Like He may have been saying, “this is not the way we planned it, not my will (which was to go to the cross) but Your will, which is what was taking place at that moment.” (The quotations are there not because of what He said, but to just clarify what He may have meant.)
All of this to say, in every way our Savior Jesus is so great. People die sometimes just because they give up hope. They give up the will to press on. Jesus could have done that, but He sets the example for me and for you to endure at all cost. Endure for His glory and for His name’s sake. Whatever comes my way, I want to be like our Lord Jesus and if that means going through great pain or great loss here on earth, “Not my will, but Your will be done” Amen.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Even the windshield wipers work!
So when we went to NYC to have my cancer surgery, friends of ours (George and Jamie) said, “Just leave your car at our house and save on all that parking cost, we will take you to the airport and you can just leave your car with us while you are gone.”
Little did we know by leaving our car there with George and Jamie, we would return to a detailed car (which was far from that when we left). As we picked up our now super clean car, Jamie says, “when your car is clean, it just runs better.” Clean cars are nice but they went far beyond just cleaning our car – oil change, new motor mounts, and a host of other things that we are still finding out as we travel down the road. And they told us nothing of what they did, we are just acknowledging things over and over again that are working on our old Corolla that were not working before or needed attention.
A few days ago, we found ourselves in a rain storm as we were traveling in that detailed old Corolla and noticed – “Hey, the windshield wipers are shedding the water off of the window – not like that since the day we bought it 8 years ago – they even changed the windshield wipers!”
What George and Jamie did to our car is like a picture of what Christ does for us. When we dropped our car off at George and Jamie’s house, we felt that it would be safe there and watched over while we were gone – no idea of all that they would do while it was in their temporary possession. So it is with our Lord Jesus. We surrender our life to Him thinking, He will watch over us and protect us. Never did we realize when we called on His name that He would fix any and everything in our lives while we remained apart from Him here on earth (meaning, the only closer to Him we can be, is in heaven one day). He not only prepares a place for us, but he removes every sin, gives us a new way of looking at life. He cleanse our souls up which changes even the look on our face (we smile more). He blesses us over and over again (Eph. 1:3) when all we thought was – “we will just give our lives to Him.”
Our Lord Jesus has been doing so much through the prayers of the saints, that we cannot even keep up on the symphony that He is playing through all of our lives. Our Lord is such a supplier of our every need, and here we were thinking would just drop off our life to Him when He saved us. Phil. 4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
We have such a great debt of love to all like George and Jamie – we will spend all eternity giving thanks for everything He has done through the saints’ prayers and generosity. “Thank You Lord Jesus for all you are doing in our lives, and that we will be eternally grateful to you for those who faithfully (in His strength) watches over and supplies us with more than we would ever think our could say.” Much love to all who have been faithfully bearing our name before Jesus and His image before our eyes.
A side note of praise: It is now Tuesday morning, 6:40am and I just woke up to thanking our Lord Jesus for 4 weeks since surgery, the first night to sleep through without waking up in the middle of it, no pain med. since more than 24 hours, no bleeding and no gauze to cover the wound. Meredith returned yesterday (Monday) and we had Bethany and Kenny (and Chloe) over last night. Words are running ever so fast from these finger tips to the key board but falling way short of what I truly feel in my heart at this time. I just had to tell someone after I spoke to the Lord this morning, so I told my wife, and then on my computer it says, (you all know how this probably works but I don’t) – “Geoff is on line” (a dear friend and pastor) – I tap on the Skype button and was able to rejoice with Geoff for about a minute.
“O Lord Jesus, these years so far here on earth, how ever seemingly long or short they may be, are just a token of our love and gratitude to YOU.”
Little did we know by leaving our car there with George and Jamie, we would return to a detailed car (which was far from that when we left). As we picked up our now super clean car, Jamie says, “when your car is clean, it just runs better.” Clean cars are nice but they went far beyond just cleaning our car – oil change, new motor mounts, and a host of other things that we are still finding out as we travel down the road. And they told us nothing of what they did, we are just acknowledging things over and over again that are working on our old Corolla that were not working before or needed attention.
A few days ago, we found ourselves in a rain storm as we were traveling in that detailed old Corolla and noticed – “Hey, the windshield wipers are shedding the water off of the window – not like that since the day we bought it 8 years ago – they even changed the windshield wipers!”
What George and Jamie did to our car is like a picture of what Christ does for us. When we dropped our car off at George and Jamie’s house, we felt that it would be safe there and watched over while we were gone – no idea of all that they would do while it was in their temporary possession. So it is with our Lord Jesus. We surrender our life to Him thinking, He will watch over us and protect us. Never did we realize when we called on His name that He would fix any and everything in our lives while we remained apart from Him here on earth (meaning, the only closer to Him we can be, is in heaven one day). He not only prepares a place for us, but he removes every sin, gives us a new way of looking at life. He cleanse our souls up which changes even the look on our face (we smile more). He blesses us over and over again (Eph. 1:3) when all we thought was – “we will just give our lives to Him.”
Our Lord Jesus has been doing so much through the prayers of the saints, that we cannot even keep up on the symphony that He is playing through all of our lives. Our Lord is such a supplier of our every need, and here we were thinking would just drop off our life to Him when He saved us. Phil. 4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
We have such a great debt of love to all like George and Jamie – we will spend all eternity giving thanks for everything He has done through the saints’ prayers and generosity. “Thank You Lord Jesus for all you are doing in our lives, and that we will be eternally grateful to you for those who faithfully (in His strength) watches over and supplies us with more than we would ever think our could say.” Much love to all who have been faithfully bearing our name before Jesus and His image before our eyes.
A side note of praise: It is now Tuesday morning, 6:40am and I just woke up to thanking our Lord Jesus for 4 weeks since surgery, the first night to sleep through without waking up in the middle of it, no pain med. since more than 24 hours, no bleeding and no gauze to cover the wound. Meredith returned yesterday (Monday) and we had Bethany and Kenny (and Chloe) over last night. Words are running ever so fast from these finger tips to the key board but falling way short of what I truly feel in my heart at this time. I just had to tell someone after I spoke to the Lord this morning, so I told my wife, and then on my computer it says, (you all know how this probably works but I don’t) – “Geoff is on line” (a dear friend and pastor) – I tap on the Skype button and was able to rejoice with Geoff for about a minute.
“O Lord Jesus, these years so far here on earth, how ever seemingly long or short they may be, are just a token of our love and gratitude to YOU.”
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Maybe the only Cancer recovery blog site that will speak on this issue.
Been reading Mark 10 this morning and came across verses 5-12 which reads -
Verse 11-12 is found in Matt.5:32 and Luke 16:18. Luke and Mark read the same but in Matthew there is, what has come to be know, an exception clause. Which those who really want a divorce run to this passage to justify their decision.
You must take the time to read John Piper’s view on this “clause” which I would agree with if we have to go through the “thick and then” of it all. (See "Links of Interest" on the left side of this blog)
But to simplify things, here is another way that Matt. 5:32 could be taken. We as spouses are to stay one with our spouse. The LORD declared it that way and intended that we remain as one. But because of sin, spouses can go astray. The LORD does not intend for those who He puts together to ever separate while living for any reason at all. With divorce as not an option and remaining faithful to one spouse, the assurance of no adultery or fornication is possible (adultery and fornication is such an affront on the image of Jesus and His unconditional love for His bride, the Church). But if one of the spouses falls into adultery, it is impossible to keep them then from committing this affront to the image that marriage is suppose to have. If one remains married to the adulterous one, then they paint a faithful picture of Jesus Christ to the one who has sinned even though they did not rescue them from the sin of adultery. It must be totally forgiven and removed by the Savior. If the one who was sinned against, has a hard heart and chooses because of the hardness of their heart to divorce the spouse who has sinned then their decision continues to destroy the image of Christ and His love for His bride the Church. It is impossible to keep the spouse from committing adultery even if they do not remarry, because the sin had already been committed. But if they do remarry, it just adds to more adultery. For once the LORD has joined two to become one, no one is to tamper with that God ordained choice.
Why do I write this as I am recovering from cancer? Because some marriages in this nation (and around the world) have distorted the image of Jesus and His Bride, the Church. The image is intended to be to this world (Eph. 5:32). With cancer, I have been so cared for, so blessed, so watched over, so helped, so supported, so strengthened, so healed, so revived, so loved by my wife and the body of Christ (the church) and the Lord has used my wife and the church to show me how important His Church is to our LORD Jesus. He has so orchestrated His will to incorporate the prayer of saints, the feet, hands, voice, gifts and talents, etc. to bring about HIS will here on earth.
The more I am with my loving and beautiful wife and His Bride, the Church, the clearer Jesus words are -“What God has joined together, let no man separate.”
“O Lord Jesus, thank You for my wife, Lynda, who You brought to me 30 years ago and sealed Your choice for us to be one over 27 years ago, when we said, “I do.”
Thank You for Your Church, Your Bride who you brought about 2000 years ago and sealed Your choice of each one of us when we called upon Your name (Romans 10:13). Never will you leave or forsake us and we too say to our spouses and to the Church, never will we leave one another, never will we forsake the assembly of one another (Heb. 10:25). For one day we will all be assembled together forever in your presence as one (Rev. 7:9)– Your Bride who You purchased with You own blood. We are eternally grateful to You, our LORD, SAVIOIR and KING, Jesus Christ.
And Jesus answered and said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.’ [fn1] ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’; [fn2] so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” In the house His disciples also asked Him again about the same matter. 11 So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” (NKJV, www.blueletterbible.org)
Verse 11-12 is found in Matt.5:32 and Luke 16:18. Luke and Mark read the same but in Matthew there is, what has come to be know, an exception clause. Which those who really want a divorce run to this passage to justify their decision.
You must take the time to read John Piper’s view on this “clause” which I would agree with if we have to go through the “thick and then” of it all. (See "Links of Interest" on the left side of this blog)
But to simplify things, here is another way that Matt. 5:32 could be taken. We as spouses are to stay one with our spouse. The LORD declared it that way and intended that we remain as one. But because of sin, spouses can go astray. The LORD does not intend for those who He puts together to ever separate while living for any reason at all. With divorce as not an option and remaining faithful to one spouse, the assurance of no adultery or fornication is possible (adultery and fornication is such an affront on the image of Jesus and His unconditional love for His bride, the Church). But if one of the spouses falls into adultery, it is impossible to keep them then from committing this affront to the image that marriage is suppose to have. If one remains married to the adulterous one, then they paint a faithful picture of Jesus Christ to the one who has sinned even though they did not rescue them from the sin of adultery. It must be totally forgiven and removed by the Savior. If the one who was sinned against, has a hard heart and chooses because of the hardness of their heart to divorce the spouse who has sinned then their decision continues to destroy the image of Christ and His love for His bride the Church. It is impossible to keep the spouse from committing adultery even if they do not remarry, because the sin had already been committed. But if they do remarry, it just adds to more adultery. For once the LORD has joined two to become one, no one is to tamper with that God ordained choice.
Why do I write this as I am recovering from cancer? Because some marriages in this nation (and around the world) have distorted the image of Jesus and His Bride, the Church. The image is intended to be to this world (Eph. 5:32). With cancer, I have been so cared for, so blessed, so watched over, so helped, so supported, so strengthened, so healed, so revived, so loved by my wife and the body of Christ (the church) and the Lord has used my wife and the church to show me how important His Church is to our LORD Jesus. He has so orchestrated His will to incorporate the prayer of saints, the feet, hands, voice, gifts and talents, etc. to bring about HIS will here on earth.
The more I am with my loving and beautiful wife and His Bride, the Church, the clearer Jesus words are -“What God has joined together, let no man separate.”
“O Lord Jesus, thank You for my wife, Lynda, who You brought to me 30 years ago and sealed Your choice for us to be one over 27 years ago, when we said, “I do.”
Thank You for Your Church, Your Bride who you brought about 2000 years ago and sealed Your choice of each one of us when we called upon Your name (Romans 10:13). Never will you leave or forsake us and we too say to our spouses and to the Church, never will we leave one another, never will we forsake the assembly of one another (Heb. 10:25). For one day we will all be assembled together forever in your presence as one (Rev. 7:9)– Your Bride who You purchased with You own blood. We are eternally grateful to You, our LORD, SAVIOIR and KING, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
His heavenly Resurrected body and our earthly healed body.
Praising the Lord as yesterday marked 3 weeks since Dr. Brennan surgically removed the sarcoma cancer from my body within a sterile environment surrounded by associates and other doctors who had trained for years to do what they have been gifted to do. I was put to sleep so not to feel the incision made to remove the cancer and other small body parts. I was sewn with stitches and then awakened gently by the caring staff and then watched 24 hours after to make sure all was well. That was 3 weeks ago and I am just beginning to feel less pain and more energy. Last night I took one pain pill and 12 hours took another one (whereas the days before – every 6 hours). I rejoice in all that the Lord is teaching me through these days and through His healing hands.
Now compare that sterile environment, the compassionate Doctors and staff, the small incision, the continued pain management (of all I thank God all the time for) to what our Savior went through – Filthy and rusty spikes driven into his hands and feet and then later a blunt spear thrust through His side. Not an area of His flesh left whole after the thrashing of the whip brought across His entire body. He had to bear a roughly huge cross upon his back and walk to the place of His continued sacrificed body. He was mocked and ridiculed and put to shame for all to see His nakedness.
3 days He rose again with a glorified, free from pain, resurrected heavenly body. No continue of overseeing of Doctors, pain medication, bandaging and cleansing of His wounds – for His body was made whole and will be forever more untouched by death or disease.
This is the difference between our Savior and all other men that has walked here on earth. And He is offering all who come to Him in faith the same kind of glorified body that He now has. Those who have been washed by the cleansing power of His blood by faith and have a relationship with Him. You and I love Him and He loves us, you and I are sure that one day we will no longer have a mortal body which continues to perish. We will be resurrected with a glorified body. And forever more we will no longer feel pain, sorrow, discomfort, and destruction.
“Thank you for giving us a token of what is to come by rising again and displaying yourself to those who loved you while you were on earth. We wait for your return Lord and in the mean time worship you and tell others of your great grace.”
Now compare that sterile environment, the compassionate Doctors and staff, the small incision, the continued pain management (of all I thank God all the time for) to what our Savior went through – Filthy and rusty spikes driven into his hands and feet and then later a blunt spear thrust through His side. Not an area of His flesh left whole after the thrashing of the whip brought across His entire body. He had to bear a roughly huge cross upon his back and walk to the place of His continued sacrificed body. He was mocked and ridiculed and put to shame for all to see His nakedness.
3 days He rose again with a glorified, free from pain, resurrected heavenly body. No continue of overseeing of Doctors, pain medication, bandaging and cleansing of His wounds – for His body was made whole and will be forever more untouched by death or disease.
This is the difference between our Savior and all other men that has walked here on earth. And He is offering all who come to Him in faith the same kind of glorified body that He now has. Those who have been washed by the cleansing power of His blood by faith and have a relationship with Him. You and I love Him and He loves us, you and I are sure that one day we will no longer have a mortal body which continues to perish. We will be resurrected with a glorified body. And forever more we will no longer feel pain, sorrow, discomfort, and destruction.
“Thank you for giving us a token of what is to come by rising again and displaying yourself to those who loved you while you were on earth. We wait for your return Lord and in the mean time worship you and tell others of your great grace.”
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The LORD bless you, the LORD make His face shine on you…
When our daughters were just children, many evenings I would sing to them this song by Michael Card –
That song is based on words from Numbers 6:24-26 –
You should be able to find it on the song list to the left of this page and you should be able to listen to it. And by the way, may Numbers 6:24-26 apply to your and your family and friends’ lives.
"A side note for Bethany and Meredith - here is the original version by Michael Card on the left titled Barocha - just happened to find it on www.grooveshark.com - love you girls much and so glad that the Lord is shining down on you today."
“The LORD bless you and keep you, the LORD make His face shine on you… And give you peace… and give you peace… and give you peace… forever.”And then the words would repeat over and over and over again, until our daughters eye lids went down like the sails of boat and they were off into a deep sleep.
That song is based on words from Numbers 6:24-26 –
“The LORD bless you and keep you;Recently I found a new version of that song sung by Andrew Peterson, a talented Christian musician who my dear friend (Doug) introduced me to a number of months ago. I past the song onto my now grown children – Bethany and Kenny, and Meredith and her boyfriend Alex. It is a great song to go to sleep on and it is great song to bless your children or anyone with.
The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’
You should be able to find it on the song list to the left of this page and you should be able to listen to it. And by the way, may Numbers 6:24-26 apply to your and your family and friends’ lives.
"A side note for Bethany and Meredith - here is the original version by Michael Card on the left titled Barocha - just happened to find it on www.grooveshark.com - love you girls much and so glad that the Lord is shining down on you today."
Monday, December 12, 2011
Odd times but great opportunities.
Last night when we came home, I heard the high pitched voice of my wife cry out to me – “Jerome, there is a huge scorpion in front of our bed!" Now these little guys are not the easiest to squash when planted on the carpet. So after a number of thumps with one of my slippers, it was destroyed. Still thinking about what we learn from moments like this.
Then this evening, upon arriving home, as I open the front door, I hear sounds from the back of the house. Noticing the screen door cocked open (which we completely closed before we left the house), I walked as briskly through the house looking in every room (imagine how fast that really was while still healing from surgery.) No one was in the house. But as I investigated the latch to the back screen door all twisted, I noticed foot prints on the back patio (just happened to be raining) and then noticed the screens pulled away from the windows and one window broken as the robber(s) were trying to enter in without going through the front door. (Reminding me of the words of Jesus, “the shepherd enters through the gate, but robbers climb up some other way” John 10:1-2). They did not make it into the house. Lynda called the police and the police took plenty of pictures, dusted for fingerprints and wrote up a report. Love the officers we met this evening (Officer Marin and Paul) and was able to watch their investigation like what they do on TV but without any commercials. Praying for them as they protect our neighborhoods. My son-in-law just happened to come by to fix a florescent light in our laundry room and hung around to make door and window stoppers. We have so much fun working on small projects.
If the robbers do come back, they have the gospel waiting for them written on the broken window. We are praying for them to come to Jesus. If they do, then they would forsake such a sorry way to live. So we will wait to see what the Lord has in all of this.
Odd times like this reminded me of all Paul went through (and way so much more than we ever experience today) as he made it his life’s aim to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all of the world. 2 Cor. 11:24-29 (must read in full context)…in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness…
It would be worth it all for one(s), who tried breaking into our house, to come to know the LORD. And we now have a few more people we can pray for that we would never had thought of – Officer Martin and Paul, the robber or robbers, the folks who work with our insurance, our neighbor (whose house also was vandalized) and for each of you – for we know not what tomorrow may bring, but we trust the Lord Jesus who brings about all things to work our for good and to the glory of His Father. (Romans 8:26-30 – love these verses for they sum up our everyday odd times experiences and shows us the great opportunities that we are facing.)
Just a side note – My good buddy, Ron (he is a brother from another mother), just reminded me about how our mom would leave the doors unlocked at our old house back in C-burg (she is now in heaven where the gates our opened wide to all who love Him and shut to those who reject Him). She felt if they needed something that bad… come in and take it and leave without damaging the house, but stay long enough to hear the good news that Jesus can save you from that wretched lifestyle. Jesus desires none to perish, even the thieves who try to break into houses (and sometimes succeed). Jesus demonstrated His desire that none perish by saying to the thief on the Cross – “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” So that gets me to think of another message to include on that broken window of our house…
Then this evening, upon arriving home, as I open the front door, I hear sounds from the back of the house. Noticing the screen door cocked open (which we completely closed before we left the house), I walked as briskly through the house looking in every room (imagine how fast that really was while still healing from surgery.) No one was in the house. But as I investigated the latch to the back screen door all twisted, I noticed foot prints on the back patio (just happened to be raining) and then noticed the screens pulled away from the windows and one window broken as the robber(s) were trying to enter in without going through the front door. (Reminding me of the words of Jesus, “the shepherd enters through the gate, but robbers climb up some other way” John 10:1-2). They did not make it into the house. Lynda called the police and the police took plenty of pictures, dusted for fingerprints and wrote up a report. Love the officers we met this evening (Officer Marin and Paul) and was able to watch their investigation like what they do on TV but without any commercials. Praying for them as they protect our neighborhoods. My son-in-law just happened to come by to fix a florescent light in our laundry room and hung around to make door and window stoppers. We have so much fun working on small projects.
If the robbers do come back, they have the gospel waiting for them written on the broken window. We are praying for them to come to Jesus. If they do, then they would forsake such a sorry way to live. So we will wait to see what the Lord has in all of this.
Odd times like this reminded me of all Paul went through (and way so much more than we ever experience today) as he made it his life’s aim to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all of the world. 2 Cor. 11:24-29 (must read in full context)…in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness…
It would be worth it all for one(s), who tried breaking into our house, to come to know the LORD. And we now have a few more people we can pray for that we would never had thought of – Officer Martin and Paul, the robber or robbers, the folks who work with our insurance, our neighbor (whose house also was vandalized) and for each of you – for we know not what tomorrow may bring, but we trust the Lord Jesus who brings about all things to work our for good and to the glory of His Father. (Romans 8:26-30 – love these verses for they sum up our everyday odd times experiences and shows us the great opportunities that we are facing.)
Just a side note – My good buddy, Ron (he is a brother from another mother), just reminded me about how our mom would leave the doors unlocked at our old house back in C-burg (she is now in heaven where the gates our opened wide to all who love Him and shut to those who reject Him). She felt if they needed something that bad… come in and take it and leave without damaging the house, but stay long enough to hear the good news that Jesus can save you from that wretched lifestyle. Jesus desires none to perish, even the thieves who try to break into houses (and sometimes succeed). Jesus demonstrated His desire that none perish by saying to the thief on the Cross – “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” So that gets me to think of another message to include on that broken window of our house…
Sunday, December 11, 2011
A Day of rest and refreshment in the LORD.
Today marks the second Sunday home and what a joy it has been to be home. We love the folks in NJ and NY but there is no place like home. And I must say, that will be the case in our final home. In heaven, we will say we love the folks that we lived with for the years God gave to us on earth, but there is no place like HOME with the LORD.
We were able to attend our local church (Grace Bible Church) this morning since our return from NY, embraced by many (which every embrace is what I call real medicine), sing with the congregation to our Lord Jesus, take communion remembering our Lord’s death and resurrection till He returns, and here two wonderful messages. Smedly shared a word from Rom. 8:33ff – Because of Jesus Christ we hear this verse – “Who will bring any charge against those who God has chosen? It is God who justifies.”
Then Scott spoke from Acts. 2:1-16 (must read it for a better view of the key chapter in Acts). And then more embraces and sharing after the service.
After a wonderful dinner with our son-in-law’s (Kenny) family and extended family, Lynda needed to get a few things done without dragging this dead weight around. So we had some friends (Bill and Irmie) offer a bedroom for us to sleep in whenever the need arises due to the distance we live from what we daily do. After a quick phone call this morning, I was able to settle down for sweet afternoon nap as Lynda got few things done.
Again, this is the difference Jesus makes in our lives. They just opened their doors to me, showed me where a spare bed was (I had a choice of really two) and then closed the door and allowed me to sleep for about an hour and a half. Woke up to Lynda saying, “I am back.” Exchanged a few antidotes and off we went. Bill and Irmie are just like that – always giving with out ever expecting anything back due to knowing what Christ already has waiting for them and due to their just immense love for others. (This also happened with our dear friends Howard and Jana)
This evening we had Bethany and Kenny over for some dinner and fellowship and a video (not DVD- but VHS- still works). And then we wrapped up the day.
This was truly a sweet day of rest and the Lord is so kind in taking care of all of our needs – down to Lynda spotting a huge scorpion in our bedroom – which is another story. Another side note – the pain that I have experienced after surgery is getting less noticeable over the hours and more strength is being given during the day through the LORD Jesus.
“Thank you Jesus for rest- rest from sin that you gave to our sinful soul when we cried out to you to save us. Rest from the weeklong string of events and work. Rest from just a day filled with activities and studies. Rest along the way for Your yoke is easy and your burden is very light and You bid us to REST. We rest in You day by day. Amen.”
We were able to attend our local church (Grace Bible Church) this morning since our return from NY, embraced by many (which every embrace is what I call real medicine), sing with the congregation to our Lord Jesus, take communion remembering our Lord’s death and resurrection till He returns, and here two wonderful messages. Smedly shared a word from Rom. 8:33ff – Because of Jesus Christ we hear this verse – “Who will bring any charge against those who God has chosen? It is God who justifies.”
Then Scott spoke from Acts. 2:1-16 (must read it for a better view of the key chapter in Acts). And then more embraces and sharing after the service.
After a wonderful dinner with our son-in-law’s (Kenny) family and extended family, Lynda needed to get a few things done without dragging this dead weight around. So we had some friends (Bill and Irmie) offer a bedroom for us to sleep in whenever the need arises due to the distance we live from what we daily do. After a quick phone call this morning, I was able to settle down for sweet afternoon nap as Lynda got few things done.
Again, this is the difference Jesus makes in our lives. They just opened their doors to me, showed me where a spare bed was (I had a choice of really two) and then closed the door and allowed me to sleep for about an hour and a half. Woke up to Lynda saying, “I am back.” Exchanged a few antidotes and off we went. Bill and Irmie are just like that – always giving with out ever expecting anything back due to knowing what Christ already has waiting for them and due to their just immense love for others. (This also happened with our dear friends Howard and Jana)
This evening we had Bethany and Kenny over for some dinner and fellowship and a video (not DVD- but VHS- still works). And then we wrapped up the day.
This was truly a sweet day of rest and the Lord is so kind in taking care of all of our needs – down to Lynda spotting a huge scorpion in our bedroom – which is another story. Another side note – the pain that I have experienced after surgery is getting less noticeable over the hours and more strength is being given during the day through the LORD Jesus.
“Thank you Jesus for rest- rest from sin that you gave to our sinful soul when we cried out to you to save us. Rest from the weeklong string of events and work. Rest from just a day filled with activities and studies. Rest along the way for Your yoke is easy and your burden is very light and You bid us to REST. We rest in You day by day. Amen.”
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Praying for one another.
James 5:16 - Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.This evening a number of the body of Christ were able to meet at my brother’s house (David and Christine) to pray for a dear friend, brother, father, grandfather, bother-in-law, and father-in-law, (depending who you were in the room). We were praying for Gary and Arlene as Gary faces cancer surgery Dec. 14th. It was such a sweet time to gather together around this dear couple that the Lord has used over and over again to make great impacts in all of our lives. We were able to come boldly to the throne of God because of the blood of Christ and make our plea to the ONLY One who can ultimately heal and resolve any issue in our lives. It was sweet sound to hear various fellow followers of Jesus Christ pray who were from various churches and denominations in the valley. It gave us a slight idea of the sound in heaven as people from all walks of life and all different backgrounds and all who have one thing in common – they have called on the name of the LORD Jesus to save them, have put their confidence in Him, have turned from their sin to Him who has removed all sin and have fallen deeply in love with the One who loved us first.
Yes, tonight was an introductory sound of heaven, but in heaven there will be no plea over sickness and sin, no plea for wisdom or understanding, no plea for taking away or adding to, no plea for others that have not yet come to this wonderful Savior (who we have come to put complete confidence in). O, in heaven it will be the sound of pure thanksgiving and praise, the tears of joy and rejoicing, the sound of telling the stories of the great things He has done and the listening to HIS voice as to what He deems for us for all eternity.
Just think, as we come to a point in our lives where we say with all sincerity – “Lord Jesus, thank you for anything here in this life that comes my way. Thank you for the trials, the pain, the suffering. Thank you for the tears and the grief. Thank you for the sickness and even death.” If we can honestly (and I do believe all of us who are His will come around to this here on earth) say I am content with whatever state I am in. I find joy in all that the Lord does… How great will our thanksgiving and joy be in Heaven when all the above is stripped away from our mortal bodies and we put on, by His loving hand, immortality.
Romans 8:18 truly makes sense after going through this life here on earth with Jesus going with us the whole way: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”
We are praying for you Gary. And as we pray for you, we allow God to bring all the others who are suffering like you (whether in Christ or not yet in Christ) to the feet of Jesus to do what He does best. “We love you Jesus and we trust you completely to work out all things for good to those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Amen.”
Friday, December 9, 2011
It Is Not Death To Die (song lyrics)
Verse 1
It is not death to die
To leave this weary road
And join the saints who dwell on high
Who've found their home with God
It is not death to close
The eyes long dimmed by tears
And wake in joy before Your throne
Delivered from our fears
O Jesus, conquering the grave
Your precious blood has power to save
Those who trust in You
Will in Your mercy find
That is not death to die
Verse 2
It is not death to fling
Aside this earthly dust
And rise with strong and noble wing
To live among the just
It is not death to hear
The key unlock the door
That sets us free from mortal years
To praise You evermore
O Jesus, conquering the grave
Your precious blood has power to save
Those who trust in You
Will in Your mercy find
That is not death to die
Original words by Henri Malan (1787-1864)
Translated by George Bethune (1847)
Music, Chorus, and alternate words by Bob Kauflin
Copyright 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)
To hear the song, go to the left side of this blog page and tap on song – It is not death to die. What a blessed song.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
“…he worshiped God.” (Judges 7:15)
Gideon was one of the judges that God raised up over Israel when Israel “had no king and did what was right in their own eyes” (Jdgs. 21:25)
Now Gideon was not the most courageous of the Judges and he had a hard time trusting the Lord. But even through is lack of courage and lack of trust, the Lord used him to deliver Israel out of their sin for a season.
Gideon had some incredible times with the LORD. He met the Angel of the LORD earlier in his life and received the call to deliver Israel. He offered a sacrifice in the very presence of the LORD. He saw the Angel of the Lord appear and then vanish out of his sight in and exclaimed, “I have seen the Angel of the LORD face to face!”, thinking he would die because of this. He demolished an alter of Baal in the night before anyone could catch him. He tested God twice when wanting to know if He would be with him. He used a fleece on the ground and in both cases and God did the miraculous. He heard the voice of God and was directed by God to thin out the soldiers.
But what brought about “worship” in Gideon’s heart. You would think any of the experiences above would have ended with …”he worshiped God.” But non of the above brought about worship. So what did?
Well Gideon was still afraid to go into battle against the Midianites, so God had him go down with his servant one evening to listen to what the Midianites had to say. Gideon and his servant, Purah, go down to the campsite of the Midianites and secretly spy on what is going on down in the enemy’s camp. Gideon overhears two Midianites talking (these guys would be equal today to two fellows who had no desire for God, hated Jesus followers, and wanted to conquer the world by their own ingenuity) and one tells of this odd dream he has and the other interprets the dream. Now remember these are two “lost”, “unbelieving”, “ungodly” , “unrighteous” and “self-loving” men. The second interprets the dream as “God is going to give us over into the hands of Gideon and the Israelites.” He was basically saying that God was going to win the battle.
After these words from a pagan man, unaware that a “follower of God” was listening in, Gideon WORSHIPS God. Who would figure – that is what brought Gideon to worship God and have all confidence in his Mighty Savior? – That is what it is and that is how the story goes. You must read the rest of the story to get even more humor from man’s point of view and awe in looking at what God actually does.
All of this to say, for the last few weeks, Lynda and I have been handing out cards from the students (who are pointers to Jesus) to people in NYC. We have no idea how God will ultimately use the verses they picked out to place on their cards or the words they selected to communicate a message about Jesus. But if God can use to pagan, unbelieving, self-seeking, idol worshiping Midianite men to cause Gideon to worship the LORD, how much can He also use these dear students words to minister to the countless folks in NYC. This is our prayer – May the name of the LORD Jesus be glorified and may He be loved by all who hear and learn of Him.
Now Gideon was not the most courageous of the Judges and he had a hard time trusting the Lord. But even through is lack of courage and lack of trust, the Lord used him to deliver Israel out of their sin for a season.
Gideon had some incredible times with the LORD. He met the Angel of the LORD earlier in his life and received the call to deliver Israel. He offered a sacrifice in the very presence of the LORD. He saw the Angel of the Lord appear and then vanish out of his sight in and exclaimed, “I have seen the Angel of the LORD face to face!”, thinking he would die because of this. He demolished an alter of Baal in the night before anyone could catch him. He tested God twice when wanting to know if He would be with him. He used a fleece on the ground and in both cases and God did the miraculous. He heard the voice of God and was directed by God to thin out the soldiers.
But what brought about “worship” in Gideon’s heart. You would think any of the experiences above would have ended with …”he worshiped God.” But non of the above brought about worship. So what did?
Well Gideon was still afraid to go into battle against the Midianites, so God had him go down with his servant one evening to listen to what the Midianites had to say. Gideon and his servant, Purah, go down to the campsite of the Midianites and secretly spy on what is going on down in the enemy’s camp. Gideon overhears two Midianites talking (these guys would be equal today to two fellows who had no desire for God, hated Jesus followers, and wanted to conquer the world by their own ingenuity) and one tells of this odd dream he has and the other interprets the dream. Now remember these are two “lost”, “unbelieving”, “ungodly” , “unrighteous” and “self-loving” men. The second interprets the dream as “God is going to give us over into the hands of Gideon and the Israelites.” He was basically saying that God was going to win the battle.
After these words from a pagan man, unaware that a “follower of God” was listening in, Gideon WORSHIPS God. Who would figure – that is what brought Gideon to worship God and have all confidence in his Mighty Savior? – That is what it is and that is how the story goes. You must read the rest of the story to get even more humor from man’s point of view and awe in looking at what God actually does.
All of this to say, for the last few weeks, Lynda and I have been handing out cards from the students (who are pointers to Jesus) to people in NYC. We have no idea how God will ultimately use the verses they picked out to place on their cards or the words they selected to communicate a message about Jesus. But if God can use to pagan, unbelieving, self-seeking, idol worshiping Midianite men to cause Gideon to worship the LORD, how much can He also use these dear students words to minister to the countless folks in NYC. This is our prayer – May the name of the LORD Jesus be glorified and may He be loved by all who hear and learn of Him.
“If Jesus Could Use Dirt, He Can Use You.”
Those words brought laughter to the nurses in Dr. Goldberg’s office today as they read a sweet card made just for Dr. Goldberg by one of Lynda’s students in 4-5th grade.
We had a wonderful visit with Dr. Goldberg (the doctor who discovered the sarcoma cancer in my body when he operated on me about 6 weeks ago to take out a cyst and who may have been the very first in this valley to have ever operated on this type of cancer in it’s specific location.)
Dr. Goldberg and assistants (Donna and Kathy) welcomed us into the office today and Lynda and I came bringing cards made, written and signed by the students in our classes. They were touched by the sweet cards and even humored by the sincerity and honesty of these dear students. And when they all opened the one card from one of the boys in Mrs. Redding’s class they could not help but chuckle at the truth. Dr. Goldberg said after hearing this portion of the card, “These young students have it figured out way before us adults.” And “Amen” to that Dr. Goldberg! So many times we want to study that dirt to see what was in it that made the blind man see or study what that Dr. did that made us well. And the whole time it is ultimately the Savior we should be studying and placing our complete hope in, while thanking Him for whatever or whoever He sees fit to use to do the healing. That is what the students in our school did today. They thanked the people involved in the mighty work of our Lord Jesus in brining about complete healing in Mr. Redding.
Yes, Jesus did use spit and dirt to heal a man born blind. And if He could use dirt and his spit to heal a man born blind, He can use a doctor with a wide variety of gifts given to him by the Lord Jesus to heal a broken or diseased body like mine.
Here is the story in contexts:
We had a wonderful visit with Dr. Goldberg (the doctor who discovered the sarcoma cancer in my body when he operated on me about 6 weeks ago to take out a cyst and who may have been the very first in this valley to have ever operated on this type of cancer in it’s specific location.)
Dr. Goldberg and assistants (Donna and Kathy) welcomed us into the office today and Lynda and I came bringing cards made, written and signed by the students in our classes. They were touched by the sweet cards and even humored by the sincerity and honesty of these dear students. And when they all opened the one card from one of the boys in Mrs. Redding’s class they could not help but chuckle at the truth. Dr. Goldberg said after hearing this portion of the card, “These young students have it figured out way before us adults.” And “Amen” to that Dr. Goldberg! So many times we want to study that dirt to see what was in it that made the blind man see or study what that Dr. did that made us well. And the whole time it is ultimately the Savior we should be studying and placing our complete hope in, while thanking Him for whatever or whoever He sees fit to use to do the healing. That is what the students in our school did today. They thanked the people involved in the mighty work of our Lord Jesus in brining about complete healing in Mr. Redding.
Yes, Jesus did use spit and dirt to heal a man born blind. And if He could use dirt and his spit to heal a man born blind, He can use a doctor with a wide variety of gifts given to him by the Lord Jesus to heal a broken or diseased body like mine.
Here is the story in contexts:
John 9:1-6 (NIV)Praise the Lord for the mighty healing hand of our LORD Jesus Christ who can choose whatever He wishes to heal men today. May we never forget or loose sight who really is the ultimate Healer - Our Mighty King and Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
Having said this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.
Monday, December 5, 2011
“We Are Praying For You.”
This morning I get a text from my dear sister in TX (Vicky) with Hebrews 7:25 included in her text. We are so thankful for what Hebrews 7:25 says -
All this time we have no idea of what to even say to God concerning ourselves or even others, but He graciously not only uses your prayers to accomplish His will but the Holy Spirit is taking what we are saying and making sense of it all to assure all will work out for good and to God’s glory. We have Jesus who suffers with us in every trial and devastating experience, who also is alive to make continued, non-stop, around the universal clock intercession for each and every one of us! Now if this doesn’t excite the soul, you may need to get off of that pain medication that I was on right after surgery (that stuff really kept all emotions and pain at bay). What a great Savior we have and what great Saints around us = like you who have been so faithful in baring his image to us when you say – “I am praying for you.” Or “We just prayed as a small group for you.” Or “Our Church is praying for you both and your family.” The Saints are baring the image of our Lord Jesus Christ to us – the One who always lives to make intercession for us.
“Thank you first and foremost, Lord Jesus, for all that you had done to make our trip to NY more than we could ever have imagined. We love You and all Your dear saints and will thank You eternally immensely and for Your love to us; For the saints and their love for us. We are glad that we will have all eternity to express our gratefulness to You, Lord Jesus, and to those who were so faithful to do Your will here on earth and to continue to point us to You, our precious Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen”
Therefore He (Jesus) is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.(NKJV).And then this morning I am reading to one of the 9th grade classes these verse:
Romans 8:26-28 - Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (NKJV)You have to know, when a follower of Jesus texts, writes, says, calls emails (or any other way communicates) this message – “We are praying for you…” Lynda and my heart begins to sing and we are filled to over joy at the simple but extremely profound words (effect wise) – knowing you are going to the throne of our Great God and Creator of the Universe; The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who has no limits and can do what we could never imagine and what we will always say is “Impossible”. Then I read verse like those above.
All this time we have no idea of what to even say to God concerning ourselves or even others, but He graciously not only uses your prayers to accomplish His will but the Holy Spirit is taking what we are saying and making sense of it all to assure all will work out for good and to God’s glory. We have Jesus who suffers with us in every trial and devastating experience, who also is alive to make continued, non-stop, around the universal clock intercession for each and every one of us! Now if this doesn’t excite the soul, you may need to get off of that pain medication that I was on right after surgery (that stuff really kept all emotions and pain at bay). What a great Savior we have and what great Saints around us = like you who have been so faithful in baring his image to us when you say – “I am praying for you.” Or “We just prayed as a small group for you.” Or “Our Church is praying for you both and your family.” The Saints are baring the image of our Lord Jesus Christ to us – the One who always lives to make intercession for us.
“Thank you first and foremost, Lord Jesus, for all that you had done to make our trip to NY more than we could ever have imagined. We love You and all Your dear saints and will thank You eternally immensely and for Your love to us; For the saints and their love for us. We are glad that we will have all eternity to express our gratefulness to You, Lord Jesus, and to those who were so faithful to do Your will here on earth and to continue to point us to You, our precious Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen”
Sunday, December 4, 2011
“Don’t tell anyone!” A Command Of Jesus That People Were Unable To Keep.
Well as soon as we arrived home on Friday, we sailed off to sleep and our sails have been at full mast since Friday. Sunday morning we are still in the sailing mode (which we are so thankful for and the Lord knew we needed this sleep for what He has prepared for us in the days to come.) During my devotions yesterday these verses came to mind after I read how the people who witnessed Jesus resurrected. They could not keep it a secret.
There were times when people who were healed by Jesus were told by the Savior not to tell anyone. It is interesting that everyone who Jesus said this to – well it was impossible for them to obey. These dear people, though this miraculous of healing had just blessed them greatly, could not keep the first command that was issued from our Lord’s mouth. “Do not tell anyone!”
I always found this intriguing and wonder today if Jesus said to us, “don’t tell anyone about Me”, if we would find this command impossible to keep or a command that we would say – “Ok, I will be fine not saying anything about You.”
“O, Lord Jesus, please have mercy on us when we find ourselves impatient in telling all who we come in contact with about all that You have and are doing in our lives. We do not mean to disobey You in anyway so please give us wisdom to say what we ought to say about Your great name. Never do we want to take Your name in vain wherever we go or end up. We truly are grateful and are in love with YOU Lord Jesus! Amen.”
There were times when people who were healed by Jesus were told by the Savior not to tell anyone. It is interesting that everyone who Jesus said this to – well it was impossible for them to obey. These dear people, though this miraculous of healing had just blessed them greatly, could not keep the first command that was issued from our Lord’s mouth. “Do not tell anyone!”
I always found this intriguing and wonder today if Jesus said to us, “don’t tell anyone about Me”, if we would find this command impossible to keep or a command that we would say – “Ok, I will be fine not saying anything about You.”
Mat 8:4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. Mat 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. Mar 7:36 And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published [it]; Mar 8:30 And he charged them that they should tell no man of him. Mar 9:9 And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead. Luk 5:14 And he charged him to tell no man: but go, and shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, according as Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. Luk 8:56 And her parents were astonished: but he charged them that they should tell no man what was done. Luk 9:21 And he straitly charged them, and commanded [them] to tell no man that thing; (All scripture from www.blueletterbible.org - KJV)Well just as the people in His days found it impossible to stay silent. We too cannot be silent on what He has done for us. And now that we have a physical example of His healing hand in our life, it is easier to make the transition from what He did (Dr. and images can show and see) to what He continues to do (that no man can see with the eyes, but all men know it something that only God can deal with) in our lives when it comes to dealing with our sin and our walk with HIM.
“O, Lord Jesus, please have mercy on us when we find ourselves impatient in telling all who we come in contact with about all that You have and are doing in our lives. We do not mean to disobey You in anyway so please give us wisdom to say what we ought to say about Your great name. Never do we want to take Your name in vain wherever we go or end up. We truly are grateful and are in love with YOU Lord Jesus! Amen.”
Friday, December 2, 2011
The LORD Jesus has been with us the whole way.
Our words fall so short in expressing thanks to all of you who have faithfully called on the Lord Jesus to continue to work out things in our lives. He truly is faithful to His word as our Lord promised in Hebrews 13:5c – “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (See also Gen. 28:15, Deut. 31:6,8 & Josh. 1:5). And with His promise to never leave us or forsake us comes great peace to our souls. (Philippians 4:6-9 – “peace of God”…”God of peace will be with you.”)
Today, I was reading from Matthew 27 (while I was rejoicing this morning again for the Lord being with us through this whole life of ours) and then I came across Matthew 27:46. Our Great and Mighty Suffering Son of God cried out with a loud voice from the cross these words (assuring us that we would never suffer in this manner); “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
God forsook Jesus, in order that even to this day, 12/2/11, we can flourish in the peace of God because He will never forsake us.
We are on our way back to AZ as I type this note. I cannot express the joy in my heart for what the Lord has done in and around us. Such gratitude swells up in our souls for the kindness and care given to us in our great trial thus far in life. Overwhelming amazement continues to captivate our minds as we think of all the saints who have called out to the Lord and how He used all of you to accomplish His great will which we are still discovering each and every day as we breath. We are rejoicing and exuberating over even the smallest of details being tightly wrapped up in His great and mighty hand.
And then we in the same great deep breath of all this that the Lord has done, exhale in deepest of sorrow what Jesus had to do for us to experience Him in the fullest. What a bitter sweet. What perplexing range of emotions?
“O, Lord Jesus, what do we say about You? How do we express Your great name? What do we say about You? How do we proclaim… You alone, O GOD, are Victorious! You alone, O GOD are great! You alone, O GOD are Marvelous! And You alone, O GOD know our names!”
Today, I was reading from Matthew 27 (while I was rejoicing this morning again for the Lord being with us through this whole life of ours) and then I came across Matthew 27:46. Our Great and Mighty Suffering Son of God cried out with a loud voice from the cross these words (assuring us that we would never suffer in this manner); “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
God forsook Jesus, in order that even to this day, 12/2/11, we can flourish in the peace of God because He will never forsake us.
We are on our way back to AZ as I type this note. I cannot express the joy in my heart for what the Lord has done in and around us. Such gratitude swells up in our souls for the kindness and care given to us in our great trial thus far in life. Overwhelming amazement continues to captivate our minds as we think of all the saints who have called out to the Lord and how He used all of you to accomplish His great will which we are still discovering each and every day as we breath. We are rejoicing and exuberating over even the smallest of details being tightly wrapped up in His great and mighty hand.
And then we in the same great deep breath of all this that the Lord has done, exhale in deepest of sorrow what Jesus had to do for us to experience Him in the fullest. What a bitter sweet. What perplexing range of emotions?
“O, Lord Jesus, what do we say about You? How do we express Your great name? What do we say about You? How do we proclaim… You alone, O GOD, are Victorious! You alone, O GOD are great! You alone, O GOD are Marvelous! And You alone, O GOD know our names!”
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