Our words fall so short in expressing thanks to all of you who have faithfully called on the Lord Jesus to continue to work out things in our lives. He truly is faithful to His word as our Lord promised in Hebrews 13:5c – “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (See also Gen. 28:15, Deut. 31:6,8 & Josh. 1:5). And with His promise to never leave us or forsake us comes great peace to our souls. (Philippians 4:6-9 – “peace of God”…”God of peace will be with you.”)
Today, I was reading from Matthew 27 (while I was rejoicing this morning again for the Lord being with us through this whole life of ours) and then I came across Matthew 27:46. Our Great and Mighty Suffering Son of God cried out with a loud voice from the cross these words (assuring us that we would never suffer in this manner); “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
God forsook Jesus, in order that even to this day, 12/2/11, we can flourish in the peace of God because He will never forsake us.
We are on our way back to AZ as I type this note. I cannot express the joy in my heart for what the Lord has done in and around us. Such gratitude swells up in our souls for the kindness and care given to us in our great trial thus far in life. Overwhelming amazement continues to captivate our minds as we think of all the saints who have called out to the Lord and how He used all of you to accomplish His great will which we are still discovering each and every day as we breath. We are rejoicing and exuberating over even the smallest of details being tightly wrapped up in His great and mighty hand.
And then we in the same great deep breath of all this that the Lord has done, exhale in deepest of sorrow what Jesus had to do for us to experience Him in the fullest. What a bitter sweet. What perplexing range of emotions?
“O, Lord Jesus, what do we say about You? How do we express Your great name? What do we say about You? How do we proclaim… You alone, O GOD, are Victorious! You alone, O GOD are great! You alone, O GOD are Marvelous! And You alone, O GOD know our names!”
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