This morning I read out of Luke 5. Verses 17-26 stood out to me this morning as I was reflecting on all that the Lord had done this past year. We have seen miracle after miracle and it all comes from the hand of our Lord Jesus and it also is a result of His saints remaining faithful in coming to Him for the answers. If you look carefully at this passage you may see some of the things that struck me in this passage. (See also Mat. 9:2-8 & Mark 2:3-12 – all three passages make the same point) “When He saw their faith… He said to him…”
I continue to marvel how the Lord uses the Body to accomplish His will in another’s life. He has used so many people in our lives as they prayed faithfully to the Lord for us to accomplish His will. It is like the story being rewritten daily – As He sees your faith, He does this in our lives, or says this to us, or works in us…
Then the other unique thing I see is what He does with these men’s faith. They came in faith obviously to see their friend healed and they are quite surprised as all around them to hear what they hear – “Your sins are forgiven.” Wait a minute. Did not these men have faith in Jesus to heal this man of his inability to walk? Did they not bring Him the whole way in faith to have him walk? Did they not break open the roof to put this man in front of Jesus to walk? If they could have spoken to Jesus, would they not have said, please let this friend of ours walk? But they heard something that was not in their intentions when bringing their friend to Jesus. They hear, “Your sins are forgiven.” And later they saw him walk.
Romans 8:26-28 sums up what was going on here. We come to the Lord, in faith concerning a particular situation in someone’s life, thinking that is the best we can mention to God about this person. And His Holy Spirit takes what we say and makes sense of it as well as use what we say to work out all things for good.
We continue to rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for each and everyone who has brought our names, or situations, our trials, our pain, our hardships, brought us…. Before the throne of God you brought us and He has looked upon us to do what only He could do and had in mind of doing. What a great Savior we have cry out to and what glorious King who considers everything we say in the light of His Holy Spirit.
Side note: Visited Dr. Goldberg this morning and after the examination he said that the incision is healing up well. I praise the Lord that after 5 weeks we continue to see His mighty hand at work and give Him all glory for His healing touch.
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