Luke 7:36-50 and 8:40-48It was not till I really pondered for quite a while what was going on here that it came clear.
Whenever I read words like these from our Savior, I have to pause and question in my heart – “your faith”? My faith? Their faith? I thought from scripture that Jesus was the author (beginner) and completer (finisher) but here He is saying to not only this one lady who anointed His feet with her very tears, but others – “your faith…”
In two days of reading during the morning I ran across these words of Christ. Once when the “sinful woman” anointed his feet with fragrant oil, washed his feet with her tears and kissed his feet (Luke 7:36-50). Second, when a woman touched the hem of his garment to be healed (Luke 8:40-48).
We know that Jesus did not say anything untrue or to inflate the ego. So what He was saying here was spot on and profitable for all who heard. And then it dawned on me. He was pointing everyone’s attention to what these two women had their attention on. How they got His attention too.
If He wanted to bring to the surface that anyone who really loved Him must anoint His feet with expensive oil and cry over His feet, then He would have stopped a verse or two earlier in each of these stories. If He wanted everyone to touch His garment to be healed then He would have stopped a verse or two earlier in this story. But when all eyes were on the “acts” of these two faith filled women – Jesus points out what each of us are to have – our attention, our faith, our affection – our all on HIM. It was not the tears, perfume, the touch or the robe that was key in these stories, but it was the faith that these women had. So no one could reproduce these actions to get the same results. No, the only thing (really ONE) that brings results is Jesus. Put the attention on Him no matter who is around and keep it on Him and watch what He does with that attention (faith) on Him. Faith, not what you can reproduce, or borrow, or steel, or mimic, or fake – it has to be real from HIM and personally yours. Your faith will save you. He promises to save any and all who call on Him.
“Thank You Jesus, for being the author and finisher of faith, our faith, faith from You and in You. And it is in faith we cry out to You.” Amen
BTW – Happy New Year – may we all cry Revelations 22:20 …”Even so Lord, come quickly!”
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