"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Update from Bethany 11/30/11

This morning my dad met with his doctor in NY to go over the pathology report from his surgery last Tues. For now they got it all!! :) Praise God!! :) they want him back in NY in a couple of months to see if things have changed- they told him and my mom that with this type of cancer there is a chance it can come back but they are going to watch him closely. We are so thankful for such wonderful doctors and nurses! God has truly supplied their every need while being in NY :) thank you all soooooo much for your continued prayers! We are so thankful for you!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update 11/29/11

Tomorrow at 8:15am we are to meet with the Dr. Brennan and Dr. Wolf as a week after surgery check up and hope to hear the results from the pathology. We hope to know, Lord willing, more of when we can head home. Looking at another full day. Requesting from our Lord wisdom for the Dr.s and all involved with us and patients like us.
God bless,

The Paradox of Sheep and the Lamb

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:
“For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:35-39 (NKJV)
Although we are counted as sheep for the slaughter, I did not see some of my actions line up to Lamb of God who suffered for all His people.

He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth. Isaiah 53:7 (NKJV)

I found myself in my pain today, but not dealing with the pain as my Great Mighty Savior. I was to say the least - a bit irritable, hearing myself say to Lynda, “Hurry up” and then a few minutes later saying, “I can’t walk that fast- slow down.” I found my mind wandering to the pain in the area of my incision, and thinking way to much of my situation than others who are in far worst conditions (or not in worst but have asked me to pray about something.)

So different from our Savior who said very little while being shamefully beaten and blasphemed by men who vehemently hated him. I had a wife who loves me by my side all day in my pain and there to only help me. He from the cross said, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” I had to say several times throughout the day (and I could have said this many more times) – “I am so sorry Lynda for being snippy and impatient with you while you were just helping me.” He was shoved by men and pushed to the limits. I was the one pushing and wanting my way through the day. He was beaten and crushed with destruction awaiting Him. I am cared for and pampered with healing awaiting me. He cried from the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me. I cried throughout the day, “O Lord, I have forsaken you in my thoughts and my actions today, have mercy on me.”

All of this to say, “What a wonderful Savior we have! And one day when I grow up, I want to be just like Him.” But for now, I know He is with me in my small pain (in comparison to His) and He knows how to deal with this light affliction that I am going through. O, how I long for everyone, whether you are experiencing great pain or great pleasure, pressures or peace, fear or freedom, sorrow or gladness, sinfulness or goodness, poverty or prosperity, (etc.) you and I would know this great Savior – Our Lord Jesus – better today than ever before.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Update 11/28/11 An Unexpected Turn This Evening

The Lord continues to go before us as we are here in NYC. Was able to Skype one of the Bible classes today – what a treat. We are hoping to see the students on line tomorrow. Have been able to talk with so many interesting people here in the City and to hear what the Lord is doing around them and through them (whether they see things that way or not). There are so many dear folks.

This evening Lynda talked to an Associate Dr., who is working along side Dr. Brennan (Dr. Wolf), and he felt it would be good to come over to the hospital this evening after talking to Lynda to make sure things were still on track. While waiting to see him, was able to talk to some more folks who are dealing with cancer.

To make this blog short, he prescribed an antibiotic for mostly precautionary reasons. Again, what a wonderful group of doctors the Lord has surrounded us with that Dr. Wolf would come out, probably after a long day, in the evening to look upon my condition. We just continue to thank the Lord over and over for such humble and gifted men and women- we are truly overwhelmed by the care and love that they convey for their patients.

I was telling a couple (Ross and Marjorie) this evening after our visit with Dr. Wolf, “If the Lord Jesus healed a man 2000 years ago by reaching down to a pile a dust, spitting in the dust and then taking that mud to the blind man’s eyes to make him see. How much more can He use gifted men (who He formed from the dust of the ground and will return to that form if He does not come back before) like Dr. Wolf and Dr. Brennan and Dr. Morton. These are just a few (like the sand on a sea shore if you were to view history as a whole) who the Lord Jesus has chosen to use to bring healing to this cancerous body of mine.

“We love you Jesus and can hardly wait to tell another soul here on earth of all the great things you are still doing this very day. What a day it will be when we experience seeing you face to face – yes, it is not death to die, and we long for you to return so Satan does not even get a taste of an ever so slight, momentary, seemingly victory. O Lord Jesus, please come soon! (Rev. 22:20)

A sweet song that I came across through Sovereign Grace Music Ministry.

Lyrics to “It Is Not Death To Die.”

It is not death to die
To leave this weary road
And join the saints who dwell on high
Who’ve found their home with God
It is not death to close
The eyes long dimmed by tears
And wake in joy before Your throne
Delivered from our fears

Chorus O Jesus, conquering the grave
Your precious blood has power to save
Those who trust in You
Will in Your mercy find
That it is not death to die

It is not death to fling
Aside this earthly dust
And rise with strong and noble wing
To live among the just
It is not death to hear
The key unlock the door
That sets us free from mortal years
To praise You evermore
© 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Eternal King

Here is a song that I learned in college when singing with the Singing Men of Temple lead by Mrs. Fred Brown. We sang it during her memorial service and the song just ran very deep in this soul of mine.
My Eternal King

My God, I love thee, not because
I hope for heaven thereby,
nor yet because who love Thee not,
may eternally die.

Thou, O my Jesus, thou didst me
upon the cross embrace;
for me didst bear the nails and spear
and manifold disgrace.

And griefs and torments numberless,

And sweat of agony;
 E’en death itself;
and all for man
 Who was Thine enemy.

Then why, O blessed Jesus Christ,
should I not love thee well?
Not for the hope of winning heaven,
nor of escaping hell.

Not with the hope of gaining aught,
not seeking a reward,
but as thyself hast loved me,
O everlasting Lord.

So would I love thee, and will love,
and in thy praise will sing;
Surely because thou art my God
and my eternal King.
1 John 4:10
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Praying for Grandparents and relatives.

Received a text for one the students at Gilbert Christian Schools (Brielle) and she was able to pray during the Thanksgiving meal that her and her extended family had. She was asked by her grandma to pray and that meant so much to her to be able to express her thanks to the Lord and to ask the Lord to bless the food and fellowship.

Her joy concerning this experience during the Thanksgiving dinner kicked off in my mind the importance of praying for grandparents and relatives of the students who have shared over the years their stories. Many grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, dads, moms, brothers, and sisters have no idea that these students at Gilbert Christian schools spend countless hours (in totality) praying for those they love and respect. The least we can do is continue praying for these dear ones that the Lord has laid on the heart of each of these students.

Thank you Brielle, Amanda, Justin, Cassidy, Andy, Trae, Cody, Sarah, Kyle, Parker, Jarette, Joe, Abi, Micah, Jordan, Benji, Nate, Tiana, Claudia, Olivia, Madie, Raquel, Brendan, Brannon, Jaxon, Meg, Christian, Jimmy, Zane, McKayla, Becka, Caleb, Rhea, Kaitlyn, Savannah, Kari, Will, Faith, Gabrielle, Shannon, J.T., Jacob, Sarah, Nicki, Paige, and many, many more who have shared from their hearts those who Jesus so burdened.

James 5:16
1 Thes. 5:25
Romans. 8:26

Great Faith

As I was laying in bed after surgery, and throughout the night after surgery, I could not help but think of two precious saints of our Lord Jesus Christ – Bonnie and Carissa. They are both in their 20s and have spent more than 10 years each in bed because of heath issues. What great faith these two have. They have joy in their hearts and are encouragement to those around them. Just check out their facebook pages and you will see the faith that the Lord Jesus has provided to these two girls who have experienced more than 10 years of what I experienced in one 24hour time frame. These two girls have been given such great faith from our Lord Jesus and they are not ashamed to let the world know how much He is with them in their deepest of trials and suffering. HE IS REALLY WITH THEM and they can testify to this truth.

Thank you Bonnie and Carissa for sharing your faith in such trying circumstances and living out 1 Peter 4:12-13 every day you breath for His glory.

Hope Lodge (Now abides Faith, Hope and Love – the greatest of these is Love)

Again we so much thank all who have gone to the Lord on our behalf. We are seeing God work out things that we never imagined our considered. From Sloan-Kettering to Dr. Brennan to AZ Heart Institute and Dr. Diethrich, The pass to go back to NY for the cancer surgery, Helmsley Medical Towers and now Hope Lodge. This is a place that the Lord has prepared through the American Cancer Society to give 60 cancer patients a place to stay in New York as they are being treated for their cancer.

The people here are so caring and so accommodating. They remind us of the words of Jesus in John 14:1-7 (abbreviated quote) “Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and will come again so that were I am you can be there too (the best part of heaven is to be with Jesus)… I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to the Father but through Me. (Those of the words from our Lord Jesus. Any person who would believe Jesus walked on the earth, see Him as one who spoke truth, did good deeds and cared for people – but not place their trust in the One who can take away their sins and provide a place for them – would in a little way be like me knowing there was a Hope Lodge that has already reserved a place for me – but I say, “I just can’t believe they would give me a place to stay free, just because I have cancer.”)

We did not even know the Hope Lodge existed but when the Lodge was made known to us, we filled out the paper (even though not exactly correctly) and then came to know and now realize there is a place like this and we are staying in it.

O for each and everyone of us to come to the full understanding that the Lord Jesus has a place prepared for us who have put our total confidence in Him to take away our sin and make it possible to dwell with Him forever! This is our prayer for any who are reading this for the first time – please consider calling on His name to save you now and for all eternity.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Update from Jerome 11/23/11

I am recovering outside of the hospital now. They released me earlier this afternoon (Thanking the Lord for that). All of the staff at the hospital were such a delight and encouragement. Saw Jesus over and over again in the kind gestures and care taken there at Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital.

Just an interesting side note - My brother-in-law (Grady, in Nashville area) got me into Sloan-Kettering through a Dr. Polk who is a cancer surgeon in the Nashville area and who studied under Dr. Brennan. Well Dr. Brennan had an assistant Dr. - Doctor Wolf who worked along side of him on my cancer situation. Yesterday, after surgery, Dr. Wolf asked curiously how I found out about Sloan-Ketterin and Dr. Brannon - after I told him about Grady and Dr. Polk, he said - "What a small world - I am going to be joining Dr. Polk's Surgical staff in Nashville in just a while." He literally is going to be partners with the man who suggested us to come to this hospital. Not as much as a small world as BIG GOD, I would say. So the students and I will also be praying for Dr. Wolf as he begins his practice with Dr. Polk (who I have never met, but look forward to meeting one day.)
Much love and God's blessings,

Thanksgiving day before

Ephesians 5:20 – giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, (NKJV)
1 Thes. 5:18 - in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (NKJV)
This day, Thanksgiving Day, marks another year of total thanks for all things that the Lord has brought into our lives. He is so GOOD and He is so FAITHFUL. There can be no other response from our hearts than “Thank You!”

Are you not glad that we will have all eternity to say “Thank YOU” to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ? I tell my students often, “If we can not spend 10 minutes today with the LORD of the universe, Savior of all and Sovereign over everything, what makes us look forward to being with HIM FOREVER? “ Same with thanksgiving – If I cannot thank Him for all that He is doing today (“Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.”) what makes me think that I will thank Him for all eternity.

Practice today what we will do for eternity. Fall on your knees before Him, rejoice in the Lord, give thanks, call upon His Name, and spend time with our Lord Jesus who we say, “we can’t wait to be with Him forever.”

Update from Bethany (11/23/11)

Well folks he's out of the hospital! :) they released my dad a little while ago! :) he is doing great and is making us laugh every other second!! It's so great to be here all together! We have already been so blessed by everyone here in NYC! We are still waiting on the pathology results from the surgery (maybe fri when they see the doc again??) but God has continued to bless our trip here! Everyone has been so kind everywhere we go :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Update from Bethany (11/22/11)

Hey everyone! My dad is out of surgery and has been moved into a room. The doctor said we'll have to wait until the pathology report comes back in 3-4 days to know if they got it all. He is doing great and still continues to tell everyone around him about Jesus :) all of his students made beautiful cards filled with scripture and he is giving one to everyone who comes in to care for him. All of the hospital staff has been so wonderful and totally touched by the cards! Meredith and Alex made it here safely and we are all so happy to be together!! Thank you dear friends who are praying and caring for us! We are so thankful for you and love you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Update - Surgery tomorrow 11/22

Tuesday (Tomorrow) we are to show up at the hospital at 5:30am for surgery. Have delivered some of the cards that the students made over the past few days here and many (all who have received the student's cards) have been blessed and some have shed tears of joy from the students' kind gestures. The word of the Lord is being proclaimed through the cards that the students made and the coolest thing about all of this is - we will have to wait till eternity to find out what the Lord does with many of these cards. Elliot, the desk clerk at the Helmsley Medical Tower has already made thank-you letters for each of the students that made him cards. So I thought I would be unloading all this mail and am now finding I will have to joyfully carry some more mail back to AZ.

His Church continues to Preach to and Teach us.

Lynda and I were able to get up in the morning and head to lower Manhattan. From there, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and then proceed to the Brooklyn Tabernacle. For years (since the early 1990’s – I know, you students of mine think of the 90’s as I would think of the 60’s) this dear church has ministered to our hearts through song, prayer and books. Pastor Jim Cymbala has written a number of books that have encouraged me in my walk with Jesus and the need to pray a fervently as I read our Lord’s precious word. The Choir has encouraged me to sing with not just a joyful noise but with an abandoned heart to the Lord. The testimonies from the people in that church have encouraged me to praise God the Father for the continued work that He is doing through His Mighty Holy Spirit and Risen Son of God. The prayer band has encouraged me to pray not just by myself, but also to enlist the saints around me to come together to cry out to our great God and Savior. He works out His will here on earth through His people who call on His name.

Yesterday they encouraged Lynda and me again. The music, testimonies, preaching and teaching, and prayer was what we expected to see and experience. But they continued to encourage us all through the day and into the evening’s setting sun (reminding us again of the difference the LORD Jesus has made in the world today). Men and women, wherever we went in that multi-story building, would stop and pray over and for us. One pastor (Pastor Hammond), when hearing that I was in the city for cancer surgery said, “Wait right here.” Then proceeded to the side of the front stage, reached behind it, pulled out a bottle of virgin olive oil, came back to me, anointed my forehead with oil and prayed for me and my wife in obedience to James 5.

Another dear servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, (Lance, who I mistakenly thought was Tony who I met 6-7 years ago) pulled Lynda and I aside, held our hands and embraced us in prayer, calling upon the mighty Lord Jesus to look upon us and consider our situation as well as drive out all cancer from my body. He was so thoughtful too in considering Lynda’s state as my wife and partner in suffering. Throughout the day, (Ron, Rene, Mrs. Armstrong, Isaac, Lenard, and some other dear ladies) others would immediately place their hands on us or clasped our hands and pray when hearing why we were visiting NY. This is the body of Christ in action and demonstrating our Lord and Savior who we firmly believe in and trust.

So from AZ – NY we have witnessed this consistently – His body, so well bearing His image and doing as He would bid them to do. What a powerful message the Church of Christ, His bride who He purchased with His own precious blood, is preaching to and teaching us wherever we go.

People to pray for, so far, as we are in NJ and NY:

People to Pray for Along the Way

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Helping together in prayer

2 Cor. 1:9-11
Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us, you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many. (NKJV)
The Lord has placed in my heart, since I found out that I have cancer and an aneurysm, to not be concerned about myself but to pray for others. Pray for others who are praying for us. Pray for others who do not know the Lord Jesus and have never called on His great Name. Pray for the sick who are mentioned in our church, Bible class, small group, neighborhood, the hospital and lodging places. Pray for students and their families, teachers and administration at our school. Pray for Lynda, Bethany, Kenny, Meredith and Alex. Pray for extended family members. Pray for our nation and it’s leaders and those in authority. Pray for the doctors, nurses, medical and support staff. The requests go on…..

As I have been doing this, Lynda and I have seen so many answers to your prayers (things that we would have never considered or thought of). So I am committed to not pray about my condition or what I should do. I believe I am instructed by the Lord to let His saints approach His throne on our behalf. I am just to do the same thing you are doing, but for you.

Jesus took our burdens upon Himself first. Then we are asked to do the same thing as Jesus Christ did and continues to do to this day – “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

I would love to write about all the “confabulations” {you will have to look up that word that Jerry gave me years ago to use if people start loosing interest in what you are saying} that we could tell but suffice to say – The LORD is hearing your prayers and is working all things out according to HIS will as you seek Him (a mystery to me still that the Lord would choose to act upon the pleads of His children when we are not even sure what the real problems are out there. We are so thankful for the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:26, who makes sense of all we say and Jesus Christ, our High Priest Mediator who is ever interceding on our behalf.)

You saints of HIS who have born our burden, we love you and we thank the Lord for your picture of Jesus Christ to us – The One who still carries our burdens today (Psalm 55:22) and also carried upon Himself the sin of the world (John 1:29).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

We are on our way back to the beloved New York City. We will arrive and be greeted by our loved ones (Chris and Deb). We hope to run into baggage handler. He is also a preacher (Edward) who preached a beautiful sermon to me on the last day we were at the Newark airport (both in deed and literally in words straight out of John 1). It is so neat to see the LORD’s people everywhere.

Here are a few passages that have ministered to our hearts lately and which I will be sharing with the dear folks in NY & NJ. People ask about my cancer and I have a chance to give them the reason of hope that resides in us (These verses come from various students in Bible classes, Cancer Buddy Garry, Mike). Please take the time and look them up from your Bible and in context.
Romans 4:19-22
1 Peter 4:12-13
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 53:3-6
Colossians 1:24-25
1 Corinthians 1:3-11

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Update 11/19/11 (from Deborah Hightower)

Jerome and Lynda are on their way to NYC today in preparation for his cancer surgery on the 22nd. God provided so that their children and spouses will be with them. What a blessing for them to be together during this time. In addition, through a number of miracles, God also provided a a place for Jerome and Lynda to stay during his post surgery recovery, after he leaves the hospital, but before he can return home. It is a special facility for cancer patients. The circumstances surrounding this provision can only be attributed to the hand of God orchestrating His precious favor on behalf of the Redding family.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Thursday

Over the years I tried to set Thursdays aside for giving the LORD thanks for everything. Instead of making petitions and requests, I would look at any request or worldly problem as an opportunity to give our Lord Jesus thanks. My students would get into it over the years too. In past years when we would come to Thursday, I would say, “What day is it?” And they would automatically say – “Thanksgiving Thursday!” And Thursdays were some of the most special days. (I say “were” because I had not practiced that as much this year. “So classes, get ready- Lord willing, we will be bringing back Thanksgiving Thursdays.” “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Last year’s guys get that last quote.).

Matthew 6:9-13, Luke2-4, 1 Chron. 9:11 – have to check out that last verse in context with Matt. 6:13c, it is all His word.
Here is how I practice the Lord’s model prayer on Thanksgiving Thursday:

“Thank you LORD that Your Name is Hallowed, a Name that is above every name, a Name that every knee will bow to someday and that You have given us a heart to bow to You today in thanksgiving.

“Thank You for Your Kingdom to come and thank You, that we in a small way express Your Kingdom as we respect those in authority here on earth. Thank You for those in authority, for they, without maybe knowing it bear an image of Your Kingdom to come. And thank You too, that one day YOU will return with all heaven following You to destroy all evil and usher in Your great Kingdom that we are in some way bearing in our hearts now here on earth.

“Thank You for Your will being done here on earth as it is done in Heaven. Thank You for whatever takes place today, ultimately falls into Your perfect will. Thank You for giving us a heart to rejoice in knowing that You are working all things out according to Your perfect will and for our good. To You be glory and thanks.

“Thank You for giving us our daily bread. Thank You that You are our daily Bread and if we have You, we have all we truly need. Thank You for reminding us of our need of You when our physical stomachs cry out for earthly food, and then we are reminded that our souls, our whole being, should cry out at least that loud for YOU. Thank You for Your word in which You said that ‘man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD.’

“Thank You so much for forgiving our sin as we have forgiven others of their ever so small debts in comparison to our debt to You. Thank You that we hold not one thing against another and in the same way, You hold nothing against us. Thank You for shedding Your precious blood for us in order that we even can say to someone – ‘ there is nothing in my heart that would hold anything against you, because Jesus’ blood has taken care of all of our sins.’ Thank You for letting us hear – ‘As I have forgiven you, so forgive one another.’ Thank You for the gift of forgiveness and for displaying that gift so magnificently on the cross and throughout history.

Thank You for leading us not into temptation. Thank You, for You have said that ‘you shall not tempt the LORD your God’ for YOU will never tempt us but we sin when we are drawn away by our own lusts that war in our soul. Thank You for leading us in the paths of righteousness, that is how You truly lead. Thank You that You are the Great Shepherd that would never lead His sheep in to temptation but beside still waters – O, thank You for the peace that You lead us into in any given circumstance that we face. Thank You, O eternal King, thank YOU for leading us on and allowing us to follow in a heart of gratitude and praise.

“Thank You for delivering us from evil! Thank You for saying, ‘Be holy as I AM holy.’ Thank You, although we have no earthly idea how that all works out, that what You say comes to be. Thank You for not only delivering us from evil but also delivering us from our own lustful and self-filled snares. Thank You for calling us holy, saints, ones who are righteous. Thank You that You have given us a heart to understand that ‘our personal righteousnesses are filthy rags in Your sight’ and You can even use those filthy rags to accomplish Your great will which ultimately will bring about Your kingdom in which all will hollow YOU, our LORD and Mighty Savior, God forevermore.

“Thank You, in Your great Name we give thanks.”

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Who are you, Lord?

Luke 8:22-25
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” (NIV)
When I was a freshman in college, one day an attractive girl struck my attention as she was walking in the rain, umbrella over her head, and under that umbrella her eyes flashed brighter than the sun on a cloudless day. As she passed by, I said to myself, “Who is she?” She is quite attractive on the outside – what is she really like?

Well, I just happened to run into this mysterious, mind filling gal one evening while I was waiting for a car of friends to pick me up to go ice skating. Here was this gal who caught my attention weeks ago standing in the same area waiting for something. I had to know more… after introductions we discovered we were waiting for the same friends (and to this day they are our same friends). YES, I was waiting for the same friends, going to the same place, doing the same thing… What a wonderful evening! I was closer to finding out who this gal was that I was attracted to from a distance. (a little closer)

We started to “run into each other” in the reading room above the mail center and I would drink in every word that fell from her lips as I tried to act like I was up there to read my mail. (And I did appreciate every letter and card sent back then, but all seemed to become pale to the news that this girl shared daily.) Of course, I had to read my every day and what better place then there!

The summer following my freshmen year was great but her absence did not help at all from me thinking about her every day and wondering, “Why is she so much on my mind?”

It just so happened that after the long summer break we found ourselves at a friend’s house back at college. After an evening of catching up with all our friends we all departed into the evening and one of my dear friends to this day (Joey) said, “Hey Jerome, have you ever thought about asking her out for date (before we knew about courtship – just kidding my sweet youngest daughter, Meredith). And I said, “Really!” like somehow just the question was a conformation that this attractive, attention getting, schedule-altering gal would say yes to such a request!

“Would you go to church with me Sunday evening?” (How about that for a first date?) How could she deny such an innocent, un-assuming request? And she fell for it. She actually said, “YES.” (That is how it sounded in my mind.) I was able to get a little closer (6 inch rule applied back then, especially in church.) to knowing who was this gal who I could not get off my mind.

From that point on, I watched her laugh, smile, cry, sit, walk, run, study, play, and interact with family, friends and foes, in class, out of class, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then one day I held her hand!!! Now I was getting real close to knowing who this gal was. Well I could go on from here but to make a long blog shorter – that gal, I have now watched and am getting to know more and more each day for about 31 years now. Over 27 years ago, I committed myself to get to know this gal (Lynda) for the rest of my life and the more I get to know her, the more I love her and the more I love her, the more I am fine with the understanding, “I will never know you enough but the trying to know you more is just so fun and to be loved by the one who knows me more on this earth than anyone else is so humbling and rewarding – words are definitely falling short here to express what is in my heart!”

So it is with the ONE who set His eyes on us before we ever knew it. The One who knows everything about us, even more than we know ourselves. And He is inviting each of us to know Him, but more than that – to trust HIM. And as we trust Him, we fall deeper in love with HIM (Jesus). Words are falling short again in trying to express what words do not complete at all.

“We love you Jesus! And thank You for loving us before
we ever considered You.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Perishing and Renewed

2 Cor. 4:16 - Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. (NKJV)
We were blessed last evening by a dear couple in our lives (Steve & Cristy) who had Lynda and me over for dinner and fellowship. During the course of our fellowship, Steve asked, “How can we pray for you at this time?” Wow, to think that two people would go to the Creator and Sustainer of the universe on our behalf! Well be better come up with a good request.

Lynda and I shared a few things that has been on our hearts and in the course of sharing, I was reminded that the way I am seeing things is from a whole different view point than my wife, and we need wisdom from the Lord (James 1:5)

So that thought took me back to the faithful old 1985 Chevy Cavalier that was given to us by Grady and Kathy years ago (and we drove it from about 1998-2003). I used that old car to get me from point A-B and was very satisfied with that old car. I could literally park it in the grocery store parking lot, leave the keys in it, windows down, engine running, and go and shop for awhile and it would still be there when I came out (I am embellishing the story of course). But I had no worries with that old car. If I parked it anywhere, the cars that would park beside it usually parked as far away from that dented up Chevy realizing that it did not get that way by itself.

(I am going somewhere with this). One day, after it had the windshield replaced, my daughter (Bethany) and I washed the car inside and out and after we had it as clean as possible, we got in to go for a drive. As we looked out through that new windshield, we felt like we were in a brand new car. As we drove by others though who looked at that old vehicle, some probably wondered how far that old car was going to keep going.

That is just like Lynda’s and my situation with me having an aneurysm and cancer. I am looking out from the windows of my soul, feeling renewed in the inner man by the Lord and His faithful people and Lynda looks at this outward body that is on the road to perishing (unless the Lord comes back for us all before.)

So when folks ask us how they should pray for us, it is really necessary to get both of our view points because 2 Cor. 4:16 so much applies to us (and to anyone if you think about it.)

Thank you Steve and Cristy (and they are two who represent the dear Body of Christ – local and aboard- in our lives who have been so faithful to go to the Lord on our behalf) for asking us; “How can we pray for you both?” May Lynda and I ask you who are reading this the same question? How can we as a couple pray for you? We love you much and thank the Lord for you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“The Sign of Jonah”

Been praying for two particular Jewish men who we met in NYC during the week we were there. These are dear men who displayed every image of Jewish folks. They were dressed with the typical attire and hair done in the Jewish fashion, mannerisms and so forth…

Reading Matt. 16 this morning and saw something that I never saw before. (You who are strong in theology, please have mercy on what I am about to write and remember that I believe when we read or quote the Word of God, we have all the truth needed and anything said after scripture is suspect to heresy – so if this is the case, know I will be standing alongside you as you judge what is about to be said.) I also am reminded that the 4 Gospels were written so that we could look at the life of Jesus from various viewpoints (or facets) like a gemologists looks at a precious stone cut by a lapidary. We may have one interpretation but various applications or we may have one story but various angles at which we see the story.

Ok, In Matt. 16 (please read it for yourself and let the Lord apply what is necessary to your heart) I read about the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to Jesus demanding a sign. And after a few words from Jesus on this matter, in Matt. 16:4, we read these words from Jesus –
“A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah”…(NIV)
Now that verse above is all we need to know and we could say – if we are looking for miracles (foremost) from Jesus we are falling short of what we should be really looking for – which of course - We should be looking for Him.

But in Matt. 16, we are not given any more detail of what is the “sign of Jonah”. You have to go to the other gospels to get what Jesus meant by “the sign of Jonah.” So if I were only given these words in Matthew of what Jesus said, I may be like the Jews in Jesus day, scratching my heads and saying “what sign of Jonah”. Was it God coming to Jonah the first time and saying, “Go to Nineveh…”, or, the storm that God brought upon the sea to cause the men to finally throw Jonah overboard, or was it the storm calmed by the hand of God causing all in the ship to recognize Jonah’s Mighty God, or was it Jonah in the belly of the great fish, or the fish not destroying Jonah and ultimately spewing Jonah forth on the dry ground, or Jonah going into Nineveh and preaching to the gentile people repentance, or God staying His hand of wrath on the Gentile people in Nineveh due to their repentance and the mercy of God, or the plant that grew up to protect Jonah’s head or the plant that died in the morning causing the sun to scorch Jonah’s head, or Jonah hearing from God the lesson that He was teaching Jonah and us today through this story?

Praise the Lord for 3 other Gospels in God’s word that can help us understand what Jesus was really speaking about (Mat. 12:39-41, Luke 11:29-32) and we also have the whole OT that points us to what Jesus said, did and taught and points us to Who He is. (John 5:39, Luke 24:25-27 and the book of Hebrews)

So if we go to other scriptural passages in the Bible, we do get to know about the “sign of Jonah” He was speaking of. All of the words above and scripture above to say – “This is how the LORD calls me to pray for two Jewish merchant men in NYC – one by the name of Max and the other by the name of Jona (Pronounced “Jonah”).

Monday, November 14, 2011

Unhealthy, Unrighteous and Thankful

Matthew 9:9-13
As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him.
Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (NKJV)
Distance and time tends to make the words of Jesus sometimes seem sterile to me (Like that is what He said to those “Pharisees” and about those “Tax collectors”). I forget sometimes that He is really and still talking to me. Because when I think He is just talking about “those tax collectors” and “sinners” (guys who really must have done bad things), I really am just like the Pharisee of His day. And when I thing He is just talking about those “Pharisees” (guys who must have been judgmental and self-righteous men), I am really acting just like the “sinners” in His time. I find that in some ways I am worse than either because I have somehow in my mind removed the possibilities that He is talking about me some how.

And then our gracious and loving Savior Son of God disciplines me with cancer and an aneurysm. And now I am reminded that – “Oh Lord, I need You as the great Physician who can truly only be the One who heals me and utterly eradicate/destroy this death causing illness.” And in the reminder of Him being the Great Physical Physician, I am reminded that He is also (even though He has redeemed us from all sin that was committed, is committed and will be committed), He is the Great Spiritual Physician who by His own blood, applied like the most precious and expensive ointment through faith, cleanses me from all my sin. I am awakened, that although I am unhealthy and unrighteous in my own self, He makes me healthy and righteous. Not by my works (self-righteous or self-medicated) but His work done 2000 years ago on the cross and is still working till this day through His resurrection.

The Lord does not accept our self-righteousness just like a highly trained physician like Dr. Brennan or Dr. Diethrich would not take a medical opinion that I would have on my own cancer or aneurism. I have no knowledge in these areas nor do I have any training in these diseases. We trust that the Lord has given men gifts and talents to be used in His mighty hand to accomplish His will.

The Lord Jesus does not accept our self-righteous confidence in our own flesh. His word says that our righteousness is like filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6)

He came to deliver those who know that they are hopeless in their condition and there is nothing that they can do on their own to rescue themselves. Just like I could do nothing on my own to fix my cancer or aneurysm condition.

So I am thankful that He has given me a heart to accept my sinful and sick condition (Heb. 12:1-2). As I teach the book of Romans and Judges I say to the students often, “we have to hear and acknowledge the bad news before we can really appreciate and accept the good news.”

The bad news for all of us is two fold, we are going to die (Gen. 2:17, a promise still kept by God to this day and is a historical undisputed fact) and we are sinful and unrighteous, ungodly humans (Romans 3:10-12, 23 – see how emphatic the words are in just these verses – “NONE”, “ALL” – covers age, race, gender, ethnic, religious, educational status, etc.)

So as I need help in my physical life, I am reminded that I am even more needy in spiritual life. And thanksgiving wells up in my heart because the Lord came to save the spiritually unrighteous and to heal the physically unhealthy. “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving us the faith to trust You to remove our sin and the confidence that You will ultimately deal with all our physical issues both now and till the day we take our last breath or You return!”
Revelations 22:20b-21, … "Surely I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.* Amen. (ESV - * Some manuscripts all the saints)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letting Fear get the second best of him (and them).

Was reading Matthew 14 this morning. What a wonderful chapter. Many times my students will ask me, “Mr. Redding, what is your favorite book in the Bible?” And I have to say, the book that I am reading at the time. Well, today was my favorite chapter for this day.

The role fear played in this chapter is quite un-impressive to say the least, but it did strike my attention for only a moment. After Jesus had fed the 5000, He sent His disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee (Oh, please read Matt. 14 to get way more than I could ever convey in this hopefully brief blog). Then the next scene we see is the disciples struggling to get across the sea in a storm (most likely a little fear is rising) and then a more dreadful thing, a person walking on the water. But Jesus calms their fears based on poor human assumptions (“It’s a ghost.) The Bible teaches plainly and repeatedly that we are to fear God, only. Not fear what we inaccurately think of God. But just fear God.

Peter overcomes the first two fears and becomes courageous! “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” (NKJV) And the Lord simply says, “Come.” What a faith-filled, faith-impacting, faith-building word from the One who begins and completes our faith (Heb. 12:1-2)

Peter starts to walk on the water and actually is walking on the water. And then he takes his eyes off the One who gave him the faith to do what he was doing. He places his eyes on what was going on around him and in the time it took for him to have faith, he now has fear. (“Oh Peter, you are ruining the story – come on – you are going to parish because you have taken your eyes off the One who gave you faith to conquer (Rom. 8:37) and have placed your eyes on the things that cause only fear!)

But we must read on (and I am hoping you do read this for yourself). Peter does what we should do in any given moment when ungodly fear tries to creep in, gripping our hearts, or when we let it flow in like a gushing flood. He cries out – “LORD, SAVE ME!” And immediately (not “Well you should have done this before”, or “Give me a few moments”, or “Wait and learn a hard lesson”, or “Drown a little more in your ungodly fear”, or “You know fear of anything besides of Me is sin and so you will have to get over it on your own” or “What were you thinking in the first place stepping out on the water, don’t you realize this is something I am only suppose to do”, or… you can fill in any other human reasonable response.) The Bible says in Matt. 14:31 “IMMEDIATELY” (all English versions, AEV) Jesus reached out and rescued him.

This is our great Son of God and Savior – “Whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be saved” (All through out the Bible) Jesus saves those lost in sin (whether you are an unbeliever for the first time calling upon Him to save you or you are a aged believer who somehow finds yourself entangled by sin that so easily besets you.) And when He immediately saves, we have no other response than found in Matt.14:33. (I beg you to look at that verse in context, although you probably already know the immediate response of sinful men, like me, who call on the name of the Lord.)

Ungodly fear never get’s the best of a child of God, it is just another worldly tool that the Savior can use to teach us how to godly fear Him and call on Him who loves to save.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Love Jesus so much!

As you read these words above or hear these words, you may ask some questions like students in my Bible classes would ask.

“Mr. Redding, why do you love Jesus so much? Is it because you are a Bible class teacher? Or is it because you went to a Christian schools and colleges a good portion of your life younger life? Or maybe it is because He has given you a wonderful wife and daughters and extended family and friends? Or maybe it is because the Lord has provided for you all your life and you never had to suffer with out food or without shelter? Or maybe it is because He has placed you in a good town, a good neighborhood, a good church and just all around good places? Or maybe because He has lead you, even though you have cancer and an aneurysm, to good doctors, nurses, health facilities, and godly counsel? Or we know, Mr. Redding, it is because you have the best students (remember this is from the students’ perspective) ever in your teaching history? Or… “ (and their list grows of blessings and benefits from others’ and from God’s hand ). And all of these blessings, gifts and benefits evoke praise and thanksgiving to God, but not always necessarily much LOVE. In fact, concentrating too much on the gifts, those gifts can become idols if not consistently brought into check.

But why does Mr. Redding love Jesus so much? It is the same reason that a woman loved Jesus so much in the days of Christ’s earthly ministry found in scripture. If you don’t know the answer to why I love Jesus so much, you will have to read Luke 7:36-50 to get the answer. (Please take a few moments to read the most important part of anything I would quote or write about – His Word.)

If you find yourself identifying with the woman in the Bible who loved Jesus so much, thank Him for showing you that which, if undetected, is also the same thing that has drawn all men away from loving Him most. He, alone for no other reason, He is worthy of all creation’s love. But our sin has separated us from our God (Is 59:1-2) and that sin, un-confessed, un-repented from, un-detected, un-revealed, un-abolished, un-cleansed from our soul, will keep us from truly loving Jesus.

But look at Luke 7:36-50 again (I love to read His word a second, third, etc. time), look at what happens when we truly understand our debt because of our sin and know there is nothing any mere man can do about this sin. That by the blood of our Lord Jesus, His sacrificial obedience to the Father and love for the world (John 3:16), we have peace with God (Eph. 2:13, Col. 1:20, Heb. 13:20, John 1:7, and are thus freed, to love Him so much.

I have such a debt that only the Man/Son of God, Christ Jesus, could pay and that truly is one reason why I love Him so much. And that is why you too love Him so much.

Friday, November 11, 2011

They wanted a show, not the Savior (Matt.12:38)

We find ourselves again walking on a very fine line that only the word of God discerns (Heb.4:12).

In the scriptures (Matt. 12:38ff) we find the scribes and Pharisees wanting to see something “great”, a miracle, a powerful display of accomplishing an impossible task, maybe the parting of the sea again, or raising the dead, “Yeah do that one!” And these scribes and Pharisees were making a lethal mistake, which we must not repeat. They wanted to see something that fell way short of what they should have desired. They wanted something (anything, even a mighty thing) over the Lord Jesus.

As we face struggles, afflictions, tragedies or victories, success, and prosperity – we must not loose sight of what (Who) we are really looking for, all through this life.

Adam and Eve made this very same mistake that the scribes and Pharisees made. They wanted something more than God. (That alone sounds like a contradiction in words.)
“O Lord Jesus, continue to have mercy on me as I so often come to you for something rather than coming to YOU for YOU. Your Name is Hollowed, Your kingdom comes and is made known in our lives through your word, Your will is done, not ours, but Yours, You are our daily Bread, You are the our Forgiver and cleanser of Sin as we can only forgive men for the wrong that they have done to us, You are the Leader out of temptation and Deliver from evil our hearts are so prone to be drawn to (Mat. 6:9-13), You are our Glory, Healer, Savior, Desire, King, Comforter, Master, Helper, Life, Breath, and God. May my only “idol” be YOU. May my only want is what You have already promised and have given - YOU. And as I want You, I hear you say, “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) I hear you say, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6:35,48) I hear You say, “I am the way the truth and the life…” (John 14:6), I hear Your word say – “You are the wisdom and knowledge of God.” (Col. 2:2-3) I hear Your word say, “By Him all things were created… and in Him all things are held together.” (Col. 1:15-18) O my King, You have created us for You and it is to You we come daily and can hardly wait for the day You will come for us. We love you Our Lord Jesus. Amen”

An Incidental Finding. (Between Thursday 11/10/11 and Friday 11/11/11)

Correct spelling of our dear Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgeon is Diethrich. What a wonderful Doctor/Surgeon that our Lord Jesus had blessed us with! As well as, from what we have learned about him, he has been a blessing to a multitude of doctors/surgeons who he has trained and taught. He is the founder of Arizona Heart Institute, founded in 1971. We give thanks for Dr. Diethrich and the Institute’s entire staff who lovingly cared for us yesterday. They have etched in our hearts another wonderful picture of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"It is with overwhelming gratitude, Lord Jesus, we give thanks for those You have gifted. Skills and care are so abundant from Your hands and it is our joy to see You distribute these gifts through Your Holy Spirit to humble and compassionate servants of Yours. Yours for Your glory and honor. We love you Lord Jesus and count it all joy to see Your hand use everything and everyone. Amen."

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Update from Lynda (11/10/11)

We met with Dr, Diethrich, from the AZ Heart Institute today (he is actually the medical director of the whole place!). He gave clearance for Jerome to have the cancer surgery, and said that Jerome doesn't have to have heart surgery at this time! Yaaa! Thank You Jesus! And thank you to our dear prayer warriers who have been lifting us up before the Father! Everything is in place for the cancer surgery on Nov. 22, in New York. We are watching as the Lord opens and closes doors at every step! Amazing to see! Yesterday one of my students said, "Mrs. Redding God is always good!" AMEN! From the mouth of babes! He then made us a card with a door that moves to remember that God opens and closes doors. 'So precious! God IS always good!

Update (11/10/11)

Lord willing, Thursday, we will meet with a Thoracic Cardiovascular surgeon (had to copy/paste this due to inability to spell or even correctly pronounce some of these terms), Dr. Detric (spelling?) at 8:30am – this is the open door that the Lord has opened for us and we are grateful for an opportunity to meet him and his staff, to learn more of what HE is doing and share what the Lord Jesus is doing in our lives (Ps.119:46). We are praying for each Dr., nurse and staff person that we meet – that they would see Jesus and come to trust Him more as we are learning to trust Him more. (Rom. 10:11 – “Whoever places their trust in HIM shall not be ashamed.” See also – Is. 28:16, Ps. 31:1,17, and Ps. 25 – Check out how many times trust the LORD and not being ashamed is associated in this chapter.)

His Yoke is Easy.

When staying with my brother Joe in NJ a half a week ago, he shared with me this passage (which I just happened to read again this morning):
Mt. 11:28-30 – “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (NKJV)
I then witnessed what Jesus said in two faithful servants of our Lord Jesus this evening. One was my brother in Christ (Clay) who is suffering with double embolisms and a wife (Margie) who has been bravely, in Jesus, battling stage 4 cancer. Then talking to my dear long time friend in Japan, (Bill or maybe it is Billyo?) who gave up one of his kidneys for his dear brother (Richard). Both demonstrate what the Lord had to say in Mt. 11:28-30. They are yoked up with the Lord Jesus and both say things like this. “It was nothing” (Bill), or (Clay) in the hospital with all these lines feeding to his heart and drip bag on wheels with a smile on his face said, “just finished walking my three miles in the hallway of the hospital (like 95 laps in this small building) for the day. “

And I marvel.

They see these as light temporary afflictions as something that is far more worthy – an eternal story to tell – “I was able to yoke up with Jesus Christ (or maybe Jesus Christ yoked up with me) as I walked on this earth. That is a story that will be told throughout eternity. And they use their afflictions now, today to tell the story of our great Savior (they are not waiting till eternity or wasting time here on earth).

So when God calls us to suffer – no closer can we get to Jesus than to be yoked to Him in suffering here on earth.

“Thank you Jesus that you have taken our yoke upon yourself and in exchange, given us rest, given us a great lesson in life, exemplified again to us gentleness and humility, and have made our burdens just down right easy. To the extent that my dear bothers who you have been purchased with Your blood, say, ‘It was nothing’ or ‘Just walked 3 miles, here, you want to sit down?’ (He is still yoked to YOU.) What a great and mighty Savior You are to us!”
(2 Cor. 4:17 -For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, {NKJV})

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Walking a fine line here on earth in the great grace of Jesus Christ.

As we go through times of discipline, testing, trials, suffering, and joyful journey, I find that it is like walking through paradoxes.
He is disciplining but He is also strengthening.
I am making sin and a mess but He is making holy.
It is a trial but it is also a wonderful experience.
It is sorrowful but it also joyful.
I am doubtful but also His faith is so supportive.
It is not about me, but it is also about me.
It is always about Him but evil exists too.
It is suffering but it is peaceful.
It is open doors but it is closed doors.
It is a blessing but it is also a curse.
It is a gift given as well as gift to be taken away.
It is patience but it is hurrying.

Job experienced this from his point of view. The story started out with Satan coming to the LORD to afflict one of HIS servants. Job is selected but at the end of the Story Satan is totally out of the picture and it is Job who is being reconciled with God, the one he loved and served.

So here are some verses I find to be quite a paradox in my mind and somewhat mysterious, but I am fine with waiting on the full picture from our Lord in time (some of you may have the answers to this already and feel free to share with this one who is longing to trust His heavenly Father more today than I have ever yet.)
Isaiah 5:18-19 –
Woe to those who draw sin along with cords of deceit,
and wickedness as with cart ropes,
to those who say, “Let God hurry,
let him hasten his work
so we may see it.
Let it approach,
let the plan of the Holy One of Israel come,
so we may know it.”
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter. (NIV)
Ps. 70:1 (David says}
Hasten, O God, to save me; O LORD, come quickly to help me. (NIV)
“Hasten. O God”?

We are talking about the God who created the heavens and the earth (the universe) in 6 days and we are saying to this God (who works faster than any imaginable being or known thing) “Hurry”, “Hasten”, “Quickly”.

How fast are we thinking or wanting?

As I go through days I smile inside when I think that maybe somehow this wonderful Great God and Savior should be asked to hurry. Am I sounding foolish in what I am trying to even imagine or explain?

All of this to say, a student in 7th grade this afternoon was reading Ps. 70 during their 10 minutes with the Lord and raised her hand to ask a personal question pointing to verse 1, “Mr. Redding, what does this mean – Hasten?” Thanks Amanda for the question and you have me thinking now for the rest of the day (which is so fitting in the rest of today’s context) – “Hasten God…?”

Praise the LORD for the One who can emphatically say, “I come quickly.” Rev. 22:20 - He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! And we today echo what Rev. 22:20 says - “Amen, Even so (quickly), come, Lord Jesus!”

What do we do when we wait?

This is a mystery to me. God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days (just trying to wrap my mind around that is more than I could possibly do) but He has us now waiting, Lord willing, 18 days to deal with this cancer (and in the mean time, maybe deal with an aneurism). Surely the God who created the heavens and the earth could do something with this so small this as cancer in less than 6 nano (is this a word?) seconds. But He is calling us to wait?

So this morning as I awoke, (thanks for praying for sleep and rest, He has showered sleep & rest upon Lynda and me and we have been sleeping sound in Jesus) and the Lord reminded me again that although I may never comprehend this thing called “waiting”, He has taught us what we can do while we are in this waiting period.

Supported by a host of scripture (Mark 13:13, 14:48, Mat. 26:38-41, 24:42, Luke 12:37, 21:36, Col. 4:2, Rev. 3:2-3), Eph. 6:18 says, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (NIV) The word of the Lord is reminding us that as we wait on the Lord (Ps. 27:14), He wants us to pray and watch. Watch Him do that which we would never imagine in this process of waiting. Pray and bring all requests boldly before His throne through the blood of Jesus Christ (Heb. 4:14-16, 10:19, 12:24).

There have been a host of people I know who have a far better understanding of what this “waiting, praying & watching” is all about for they have been in that waiting mode for years. Some I will mention by first name, but if you know a someone by this name, wait with them in prayer and watch…

My sisters in suffering, I call them – Susan (whose waiting has already been fully awarded to her this past week), Bonnie (who in her teens began and continues to wait), Margie (who told me a few weeks ago that in the middle of the night she was awakened and began to pray for my family and me), Jody (who has seen a partial award here on earth), Carrisa (who has in Christ looked at so much suffering and remains a lover of the One who suffers with her).

Dave (an elder who is beyond my years in everyway and prays fervently for others in his suffering), Doug (who is just a couple years older than me but started to teach me when I was graduating from High school), David (who has more in his little toe then in all my head), Justin, Claudia, Olivia, Cas, Danielle, Shannon, JT, Parker, Micah, Amanda (who unceasingly pray for an aunt, grandpa Roy, uncle Sam and grandma Ruth, grandpa, Uncle Scott, Mr. Tom), Bro. Shi and his brother (lovers of the Lord Jesus), Bro. Yun (who suffered greatly for our Lord Jesus), Pastor Richard (who I say, is well practiced at looking death in the eyes without a shred of fear for he Fears Our Lord Jesus more than anything), Carl (who showed me in High School that cancer was not to be feared and still testifies to that fact), Charlie (who has heart that continues to beat for our Jesus and full of love), Rich, Joey, Bill, Kerry, Pastor Brad, Terry, Ron, Mike (BFAM), Kendal & Mary, Amanda, Jordan, Tom, Jimmy, Pastor Steve, Uncle Ken, Jack, Folks at OV, Pam, Brad, Gary and Robyn, Carman(dad in Christ)and Ruth… (all of the names could easily go on)

We can see there is a lot that God is accomplishing in this epigrammatic (just for you professor Michael) time of waiting. “O Lord Jesus, may we make the most of You in these brief waiting periods in life for there is coming a day when we will no longer wait but will have all eternity to praise You for what You did in these few moments and will continue to do forever. “

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sharing in others suffering.

As I was telling my Jr. high students today the story of the Dr. Brennan disclosing to Mrs. Redding and me the fact that I have an aneurism too, one of the students spoke up.

“Mr. Redding you sound just like my grandpa…” (This analogy is already off on the wrong foot.) “He had cancer just like you and he now has an aneurism.” (Ok, so maybe I can turn this around on the right foot I am thinking)

So I replied, “Oh thank you for letting me know this because now I can identify more with your Grandpa’s suffering and I can pray for him as I go through an aneurism.”
Another student pipes in by saying to the first student, “Wow, your grandpa has gone through a lot.”

And then the first student says, “Not only cancer, an aneurism, but also a heart attack and falling off the back of a truck…”

I had to quickly jump in on this list of sufferings by saying – “I said I can identify with your grandpa’s aneurism but I am not quite ready to identify with that other stuff like a heart attack and falling off the truck.” And we all laughed.
But then I was reminded: Even though I was not ready to go that far with identifying with this grandpa, our Lord Jesus had already identified with his suffering and all who suffer, no matter what the extent is. Wow, we have such a mighty Savior! You must read in this light - Isaiah 53 – here is just a portion of that whole chapter:

He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with sickness; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our sickness and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. (ESV footnotes inserted)
(See also Mat. 8:16-18)
Isaiah 53 draws the picture of the truth that Jesus does go the whole way with His people in suffering, not matter how much, how long, or to what extent. He is with us and has promised to be with us through it all. (Heb. 13:5, Deut. 31:6,8, Josh. 1:5, 1Kings 8:57, and Ps. 27:9)

“What do we do if you go down in class?”

So this morning was such a treat for Lynda and me to be reunited with our students both in the elementary, middle school and High school. We have seen the face of our Lord Jesus through their notes, prayers and verses shared over the course of the past two weeks. But now we get to behold their eyes and smiles, hear their voices and receive their hugs, which reflect our Lord Jesus in another extent.

As I was explaining to them that the Doctors had discovered an aneurism one of the students raised their hand and said, “Mr. Redding, what if you go down in this
class, I mean what if that aneurism just decides to bust open in class? What would we do?”

What would they do?

Well I said, “Do what you know to do and God has so prepared you to do at this stage in your life. None of you are doctors in the medical field, but the Lord has given you a specific field that you have practiced all so much already. You all would pray. That is what you are great at doing and the Lord has already heard your prayers as you see Him so graciously sustain Mrs. Redding and me. You use His word, which is sharper than any two edged knife that would be in any surgeon’s hand. And maybe while you are praying and running to Him in His word, just one of you may want to call the office….”

God gives gifts to all men to use for His glory (whether they acknowledge Him or not) and to accomplish His will. (Mt. 7:11, 1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4:8, James 1:17 and 1 Pt. 4:7-11)

The scriptures teach that each one of us has God selected tasks and gifts to accomplish His will and each of us must ultimately look to the Lord for that which none of us can do. Listen to what Paul said in 1 Cor. 3:5b-9 (NIV) - as the Lord has assigned to each his task. 6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. 9 For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.

I saw this same kind of thing in the medical realm just last week. Here I have a very God gifted Doctor (Dr. Brennan) whose expertise is in sarcoma cancer surgery depending on another God gifted Doctor (Dr. Burrus) to resolve the vascular issue. Both doctors display great respect for each other and great dependence in each other’s field of expertise. All giving me a great picture of what the Church looks like and should look like – respecting one another and depending on each other to use the gifts and talents that God has given to the whole body to accomplish His will.

“Thanks students though for asking about what to do before we would ever get into a situation like the example above. You know what to do and no mater how old you get or how talented you become, always run to the Lord in prayer through His word.
He is preparing you for tasks that only He knows”

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let the students point us to the Lord Jesus.

The following selected verses are from various students who have ministered to us by text and notes. Some of the verses we received are just the references and others are references along with the verses quoted. To keep this blog short and to allow us to explore the scriptures for ourselves I am listing below the references that these dear students have sent to us. His word is just like medicine to the heart and soul of my family and mine. Some of the notes and texts will say something like this, “Hey Mr. Redding, check out this verse (or passage).” So I say to those who may be reading this. “Dear loved one, check out these verses.”

Hab. 3:17-19; Ps. 51:1-2; Ps. 115:1; Ps. 136; Ps. 106:1; Ps. 18:28;
Ps. 1:11; Ps. 62: 1-2; Ps. 20; Ps. 144:1-2; Pro. 15:30; Pro. 30:5;
Ps. 10:12; Ps. 119:114; Josh. 1:19; Dan.1-3; 2Ki. 20:5; Jer. 30:17;
Ps. 12:2; Is. 53:5; Jer. 29:11; Rom. 5:5; John 3:16; 1Thes. 5:18;
Ps. 37:39; Rom. 8:37; Phil. 4:4; Rom. 1:16; Heb. 12:2; Heb. 11:1;
Phil. 4:13; James 1:2-4; 2 Cor. 12:7-10

And then one student quoted without giving the reference:
“To live is Christ,
To die is gain.”
These 7th and 8th grade students are preaching to this teacher daily through their notes and when I enter the classroom, their lives and their eyes tell stories of their love for our Lord Jesus and their willingness to wait on Him for His will to be done in any circumstance. We received more messages with words like… “The Lord’s will be done though…” “We are just presenting to Him the problem…” “We thank the Lord…” “Trust in the Lord…” “The Lord knows best…” “The Lord will give wisdom…”
May we follow the example of these students who are so lovingly sharing the Lord Jesus with others including this teacher who is so blessed to know them.

“I love you.”

A dear pastor friend (Geoff) many times ends his salutations with (verbal or written) – “I love you.”

Hope this does not get too complicated – but another faithful pastor friend (Steve) said he had a professor who was teaching men how to preach say – “Men, when you stand up to preach from the pulpit to your congregation… When you open the word of God and read it – that is the very inspired word of the Lord…and anything you say after that is suspect to heresy. “ For some reason that really makes sense to me. Our words will always fall short of HIS WORD. But God continues to use clay pots like us to carry about His word to world around us.

Now we were reading in our Colossians and Romans class all these greetings and salutations and there are literally name after names of people we will never know on this side of eternity. But as we considered that this is the very word of God, God is communicating through His inerrant word something that is far deeper than just a list of names (names to memorize or to pass a test)– it struck us – these are real people in a real time in a real place. And the writer was driving home a truth that is not in actual, literal words – He was driving home – “I love you.” Real people who the scriptures mentioned by name were loved. And His inspired word without the words “I love you” is conveying love.

When we stand before a group of people or before one person, by all means read, quote, and show the word of God, for that is the inspired word of God. And what we say after that which is read will most likely fall just a hair short of inspired. “I love you” conveyed can aid us who use many words after we read His word.

1 Peter 4:8

As we have been going through these past weeks, Lynda and I have seen our Lord Jesus reflected in so many people who say – “I (we) love you.” Words cannot convey the overwhelming sense that comes from your simple words packed with profound empathy and actions – “I love you.”

We echo the love of our Lord Jesus who taught us – "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 (see also – John 13:34, 15:17, Rom. 13:8, 1 Thes. 4:9, 1 Pet. 1:22, 1 John 3:11, 23, 4:7, 11, 12, 2John 1:5)

Lynda and I love you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Update (excerpt from letter 11/5/11)

I wanted to give you a quick up-date, because I am not sure what page any given person is on (not even sure if we are up to date ourselves - God moves so fast). Friday (yesterday) I was able to have all my pre-op test taken. Before the tests though, Dr. Brennan said that he really wanted the aneurism addressed before the cancer surgery. So he contacted my brother-in-law who is a vascular surgeon and Grady is working on our behalf to clarify if I need to have an op on the vessel or get the cancer surgery done first and then address the vessel . All that to say, we flew back today to Phoenix to wait on the Lord here instead of there. My cancer surgery is (Lord willing) scheduled for Oct. 22 so we should have enough time to resolve this other issue.

Lynda has been cramping a good bit in the last few days and she is still not well yet. So I think we are just going to stay home tomorrow all day before we attempt to teach school on Monday. We are so much already missing you all and hearing you preach/teach the word but this is again the way it is at this moment.

Lord willing, with us here for 2 weeks, we will be able to see your faces and feel the embraces that we have felt thousands of miles on the other
side of the States.

Covering dust with dirt will one day cease

John 11 (as some of our students have said to us concerning selected verses that they have found during these past weeks – “you have to read this one when you have some time.”) starts out with some loved ones sending word to Jesus that His dear friend is sick (“The one you love is sick.”). Throughout the story you never see them telling Jesus what to do although they are implying by their responses what they thought He would do. But what takes place in this story catches everyone by complete surprise the whole way through the story (again, you have to read John 11 to get the whole picture that Jesus is painting to us who are still reading His word today).

To make a potentially long blog short – Jesus’ friend dies and FOUR (4) days later Jesus shows up. FOUR days seemed like eternity to those in this story - All hope is gone, all emotions spent, all plan a, b, c, d, etc. failed, all time as passed, and the end of the story from those who were living then was completed. “Lets just cry and remember a little more of what this friend meant to us now that it is all over” (greatly paraphrased).

But Jesus was not done with the picture yet and to this day He is still reminding us in this story that what was pictured in John 11 is yet to come for all who have called upon HIS Name. 4 days after this man, who Jesus loved dearly, was dead… Jesus raises him back to life. No one saw that coming!

Covering dust (what man’s body turns to after death) with dirt (bury) will one day cease. One day Jesus will return and those who waited not just 4 days but thousands of years will experience what has been pictured throughout scripture …no more turning to dust will then become a reality to all in Christ. We will be either raptured to be with Him or those who are asleep (dead in Christ) will go from dust to glory (1 Thes. 4:13-18, 1 Cor. 15:51-52). And believe me, it is by far worth the wait. (Rev. 22:20- “O Lord Jesus Come!)

So as I sit here this evening waiting on the dear and careful doctors to decide what procedure should come first (cancer or aneurism surgery) I am wonderfully reminded – it is worth the wait. To learn this lesson – waiting for a few days – can help us understand what all creation has been waiting for over the ages.

“O Lord Jesus, waiting is a marvelous mystery to me. You created the entire universe in 6 days and you have us now waiting… YOUR will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. We gladly wait on You, King Jesus. We love you and can hardly wait till you come. Amen.”

Friday, November 4, 2011

Update from Bethany (11/4/11)

Yesterday the Doctor found that my dad has a Aortic Aneurism. This means that he will need to have surgery on that plus the surgery to remove the cancer. We are praising God that they found it because it could have created so many more problems... Right now we are just praying for wisdom for my parents and all the doctors involved- for wisdom on what to do next, which surgery should come first, and scheduling.

Discipline not to be taken lightly

Early this morning, a NT passage of scripture came together with a Proverb that I sent out two days ago. I heard Hebrews 12:5-6 (which is also found in Prov. 3:11-12) in this way – “…do not take lightly the Lord’s discipline…” When I looked it up later this morning it literally reads – “… do not despise the LORD’s discipline (chastening)” The other verse that came to mind was Pro. 13:18 –“He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.” (NKJV)

So as I was contemplating these two passages I began to think of the OT and NT stories that speaks of God’s discipline and His discipline in my own life. As His people experience loving discipline from His hand they too respond initially and throughout the discipline in various ways.

The end of discipline is this – Hebrews 12:10b - “…but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.” And then I am reminded of another passage in the scripture (both OT and NT) where God says – “Be holy as I am holy.” That is beyond my comprehension that the Lord would bid us and in some way see us to the end of being Holy as He is.

So in the early morning I cried out to the Lord and acknowledged my sin and falling short in even my response to His correction or even giving anyone a false perception of His discipline in my life. In my time of confession to the Lord, Jesus reminded me once again, that even in the Father’s discipline He is with us who have called on His name. For, He was wounded for our transgressions and was bruised for our iniquities (see Is. 53 again for this reminder).

Oh what a Savior we do indeed have and He is not only saving those who call on His name for the first time in their brief life but continues to save those, like me and you, who are crying out today.

Thursday (11/3/11)

Bethany and Deirdre sent a message out I believe about the Dr.’s call and after that call we were called again to learn that I also have an aneurism that must be dealt with too. I marvel how much men can learn of that which our Lord already knows and how much men will do of which our Lord has already worked out.

Was reading Matt. 8 – 9 and noticing all the recorded miracles the Lord Jesus did while here on the earth and John says that all the books in the world could not contain everything that HE did while He walked this earth.

Tucked away in Matt. 8 is a verse that refers back to Isaiah 53:4. Matt. 8:16-17 – When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying:

“He Himself took our infirmities
And bore our sicknesses” (NKJV)

When you get a moment, take a look at Isaiah 53 and see all that our Great and Mighty Savior Son of God has done for us and continues to do for us. I will never cease to be amazed of our Lord Jesus and will bless His Name forever more.

“It’s all good”

A dear pastor friend of mine (Geoff) is known to say “It’s all good” from time to time among other phrases that just stay in my head. But this morning as we wait to hear from Dr. Brennan office, I was thinking about one strategy they may have to take which is surgery. And as I was thanking the Lord for His healing hand even when someone has to cut you with a knife.

Then I was reminded of my Savior Jesus and the contrasts of what He did for others and what we did to Him.

Mark 8:22-26 -The Bible says that there was a blind man who one day met Jesus. He was going to be healed that day – but how – well unusually enough, Jesus loved this man so much that He spits in His eyes and the man was cured and could see (also similar story with a deaf and speechless man – Mk.7:31-35). Later men would hate this very Son of God so much that they would spit in His face, temporarily blinding His vision, not to heal Him, but to destroy Him (not knowing that their very acts were part of the plan to save them – God’s Son is so far beyond us in love and power).

Lk. 8:43-48 -A lady who had an issue with blood, unable to find a cure, just touches the hem of the garment of Jesus and is healed. Later, men would completely rip that garment off of Him to leave Him naked, nailed to a rugged cross (not knowing that their very acts were part of the plan to save them – God’s Son is so far beyond us in love and power).

John 8:5-13 - A Centurion who has a servant near death, says to Jesus, “Just speak the word, and my servant will be healed.” And that very word from Christ – “Go, …let it be done for you”, brought healing to that man’s servant (another similar story in Mk. 11:46-52, John 4:46-54 ). Later men would hurl not one word but a multitude of words, insults, slanders, mockeries, shameful accusations, etc. (not knowing that their very acts were part of the plan to save them – God’s Son is so far beyond us in love and power).

So, a few weeks ago I went under the mighty healing hand of my Savior as He used a skilled surgeon, Dr. Goldberg, (gifted by the Greatest Physician who ever walked on this earth) to remove a cyst and then revealing this Sarcoma Cancer in the most unusual place (not connected to the cyst but just up above it). Dr. Goldberg removed the unusual tissue, trying to get it all while he had me opened up and the rest of the story is still unraveling.

While we know the rest of the Story that took place 2000 years ago when our Dear Innocent Sinless Savior was pinned to cross by nails, breathed His last breath, and the centurion did not use a sterile, fine blade or laser surgical knife to know of the condition of our Savior – but took a blunt, dirty, rough edge spear and drove it up into the heart of our Lord Jesus to make sure He was not alive (not knowing that their very acts were part of the plan to save them – God’s Son is so far beyond us in love and power).

If I go under the knife again – Gladly will I go after musing on what my Savior did for me and for you. And as Geoff would say, “It is all good.”

The Lord’s loving hand leads along

Well as far as the word on the next step as to what should be done with the cancer that was discovered by our Dr. (Samuel) back in AZ, it has been a non-eventful day. We continue to wait on the Lord and know that many have been asking the Lord (as promised in James 1:5-6) to grant the Doctors (Dr. Brennan and others) wisdom.

So what does we do while we wait? Now that, I would say is not non-eventful. We woke up this morning in a shared hotel room with dear friends (Ron & Becky) and from there allowed the Lord to lead us another day throughout the city. Were able to share Jesus Christ with a number of folks along the way. Here are few names that we would like to continue to pray for as the Lord’s name has been proclaimed to them (Bart, Perera, Rudy, Rene, Alvin, Max and Jona, ) Time nor space in this note does not permit us to share all the stories. But to say the lease, these people in ways were used to communicate our Lord’s love and leading throughout the day too. We are also praying for few guys by the name of Nick, Nelson, Jeremiah, and Joe who we were able to share in expanded time the Lord Jesus and again there are some echoes of our Savior in their words and expressions.

I was telling Rudy today on the Subway, “the people from NY City are so kind to us visitors…” and he said, “Really, I never heard that…” And I had to tell him, since he lives in NY that he too was just another one who shows us kindness. We love the people in this great big city and are being so burdened for these dear folks that they would clearly see our Great Son of God and Savior Jesus Christ, the one who shed His blood so that we could have peace with God (Col. 1;14,20).

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Update from Bethany (11/3/11)

Update on my Dad: He was able to speak with his Doctor today! Dr. Brennan said after looking at the pathology report that he does indeed need surgery "in a timely fashion". So right now our prayer is that the hospital would have an opening as soon as possible for him to get in for surgery. They love Dr. Brennan and he will be the one doing the surgery.

Dear friends please pray that He will get in - even possibly tomorrow!

Another prayer request is for my mom. She is really sick today. They are thinking it's dehydration but prayers would be appreciated! God is so good and His timing is perfect in everything! We are comforted to know that this is all in His plan and so blessed by all of His saints who are praying with us!

We love you all! More updates to come.....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today's Update

I called the Dr.'s office today and there is no news yet as far as what will take place yet. They are still waiting to get the pathology slides report back from the pathologist. I went to bed thanking the Lord for teaching me to wait on Him. We never want to try to go before Him.

In Revelations we see King Jesus returning to earth with "all of heaven following Him" (Rev. 19:11-16) Since I saw those verses and realize that this event will one day happen where all of heaven will be following Jesus into a battle that He has already predetermined won. I too want to follow Him as He leads me into these days ahead of us.

We love you all and thank the Lord that He is the coming King who we long to see return.

“His healing hand begins…”

I have a dear friend who is an amazing hip, joint, and knee replacement surgeon (Tim) and he told me something years ago that I never have forgotten. (I am hoping I can convey what he actually said). He said, “Doctors have been given gifts and talents from the heavenly Father to go into the body and take out things, replace things, break down, cut and take apart. We then sew the person up and then God does the real miracle - He restores and heals. No doctor can do this and if the Lord Jesus did not do this, we all would be out of jobs.”

Oh how we give thanks to the Lord for the amazing gifts, skilled hands and wisdom our Lord Jesus gives to physicians and the medical community. They do that which is only possible and they do that well. But how much more do we thanks to Him who does the impossible every day. Only the Lord Jesus can do that which would never enter the mind of men or could not be worked out in the mind of man, if even given an eternity. We will have all eternity to marvel at the impossible things He has done. We have the greatest Physician ever to run to any and every day (Mark 6:54-56).

I enjoy telling our doctors and nurses that they remind me of the greatest Physician who ever walked on the face of this earth. His name is Jesus and I love Him so much.

“For better and for worst”

These words were tucked away in part of the vows that my wife Lynda and I made to each other over 27 years ago.

Along the way, we had experienced life together and the Lord allowed us to live out promises we make to each other. For many of you who are married, there are times in your marriage where your love is tested greatly. Such was the case many years ago with Lynda and me. Our love was shaken up and made plain before each other and when we experienced the worst we found the love unchanged. Many call this kind of love – unconditional love.

Now I say to Lynda from time to time – “You know we said that we would love each other for better and for worst. Well we experienced the worst long ago and now everything just is better.

So it is when we hear “cancer”, or “tragic accident” or “serious illness” etc. We look at these things and we say this is really better, because we who follow and love Jesus Christ experienced the worst when we understood that we were totally lost, without hope, a sinful wretch, headed for a Christ-less eternity. That is the worst news that we could ever hear. But when we hear of the Lord Jesus who took that “worst” of us upon Himself and we call upon His name in repentance and in faith (that only He can give us) we come to say over and over again – “That was the worst and everything else is really better.” (Romans 5:8)

And truly that is how we look at all of life after we have humbly come to our Savior with nothing to offer but our wretched souls determined to nothing but for self. And when He saves us, we are never the same.

So this morning, I was reminded of this again – no matter what the news is from the doctor is certainly better than what I heard before Christ – so I knew the news would be better. We love the Lord so much and for all that comes our way, we rejoice in everything giving thanks. The world may think this is absolutely insane (I Cor. 4:10), but it is our greatest hope that they too would know the true worst in order to know what is far better.